Thursday, June 30, 2011


                                               PUZZLED VETERANS

11 lakh ex-servicemen pensions held back

11 lakh ex-servicemen pensions held back by Huma Siddiqui Posted: Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 at 0204 hrs IST The Financial Express
New Delhi: An allocation of R2,200 crore made in the 2009-10 Budget is lying unspent as the government has failed to figure out how to calculate and disburse pension to retired defence personnel.

After a sustained demand for more than two years from ex-servicemen, who were seeking “one rank, one pension”, the ministry of defence (MoD) decided in 2009 to enhance the pension of nearly 14 lakh defence personnel retiring before 2006. A new regime of Parity in Pensions was put in place and the same was announced in the 2009-10 Budget. The new system is applicable to JCOs and other ranks.

Talking to FE, Indian Ex-servicemen Movement (IESM) treasurer Wg Cdr CK Sharma (retd) said, “The amount has been sanctioned for disbursal. However, each individual bank is expected to do the necessary calculation in each case and then do the needful.”

“All these years, the system had been that any time there was a change in the pension rates, the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension) would issue an amended Preferred Provider Organisation (PPO) for each individual, which would clearly mention the dues of an individual. The government, after the Sixth Pay Commission, has shirked this responsibility and palmed it off to the Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA), which means the bank,” Sharma explained.

According to government sources, so far only 3 lakh out of the 14 lakh ex-servicemen have managed to get the calculation done and get the enhanced pension.

“In some cases, where an individual is fortunate enough to have a bank with a clued-in staff, the work has been done and the money paid. However, as on today, such banks are very few,” . The huge majority have not got the amount due to them as the banks claim they do not have adequate staff to do these calculations, “ pointed out Sharma.

A new software, called Suwigya, has been introduced where an individual can enter his basic information and the software works out the pension dues. According to a official, the basic fact that needs to be remembered is that “a huge majority of the retired jawans from the Army, Navy and the Air Force live in villages and small towns. While a bank manager in Delhi may be guided by people around on how to go about doing these calculations, it is going to be a grave, uphill task for all the others”.

In July 2009, defence minister A K Antony had informed the Lok Sabha: “The government has accepted the recommendations of the cabinet secretary-led panel on ‘one rank, one pension’ and total financial implications on account of benefits to the personnel would be R2,144 crore.”

The committee had recommended inclusion of a Classification Allowance for the Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) from January 1, 2006 and removal of linkage of full pension with 33 years from the same date.
11 lakh ex-servicemen pensions held back

Sincere thanks  to Report My Signal Blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Dear All,

There are eleven IAF Airmen who had gone to court for award of pension after they had completed more than 10 years and few days of service each which included regular,reserve and recalled period of service. They had gone to AFT with a plea that they should be awarded pension for their regular service and additional 6 years reserve , totalling more than 15 years which otherwise qualifies for pension for veterans in normal course.AFT gave decision in favour of all these veterans but it was not being implemented.

Air HQ has now conveyed the sanction of the President of India in terms of GOI , MOD, order No 4684/DIR(PEN)/2001 dated 14 August 2001 & 7 Nov 2001 to implement the court order dated 12 Jan 2011 in this case vide letter No Air HQ /41006/SP/363/PA(CC) dated 09 May 2011 asking PCDA (Pension) to issue corr PPO for arrears including 3 years preceding the date of filing the petition on 22 Jul 2009.This letter also mentions that it is issued with the concurrence of Finance Division of MOD vide U O note dated 13 Apr 2011.

Procedural details have also been circulated by AFRO vide their letter dated 23 May 2011 as a follow up asking each of these airman to submit some of the documents including joint photographs etc.

There are many more cases of reservists which are now required to be decided in their favour by this logic but not implemented. This particular case shows that Service HQ has the powers vested in them for implementation of such AFT orders and direct PCDA(P) to issue corr PPOs after completing other formalities.

I am organising a meet of such other airman who are based at Pune sometimes in third week of July 2011 to brief them on this decision and may be initiate their claims for pension.

I could not find both the letters mentioned by Air HQ as authority from the website of PCDA ,Allahabad. I have now asked AFRO, New Delhi to send me copies.Once these are read & understood some further action can be taken.

Gp Capt SS Phatak(retd) (Head Pension Division of IESM, IAF Accounts, 1965-1994)
Pune email:

Note: This is an important email sent by Gp.Capt.SS Phatak (Retd.) concerning Airmen of IAF. For further information contact Gp.Capt.SS Phatak (Retd.)

Sincere thanks to

Sunday, June 26, 2011



The ESM Helpline centre at Fort St. George, Chennai-9 sent out hundreds of letters to aged pensioners for claiming Additional pension from their pension paying banks.

It is understood from the feedback received that most of the pensioners died at the age of 80 to 90 during the period 2006 to 2011 and none of the legal heirs are aware of claiming the Additional pension for the deceased pensioner as life time arrears. Also many living pensioners above the age of 80, 85, 90 have not been paid their additional pension so far.

The Savings Banks accounts of many deceased pensioners are not closed and balance paid to their legal heirs for many years. In some cases regular pension is being paid even after intimation of the death of the pensioner to the bank. Some banks are very particular about cancelling the ATM card of the deceased pensioner, but in many cases the ATM card is used by the relatives of the pensioner even after the death of the pensioner.

After the formation of CPPCs, the pensioners are put into great hardship. Their pension paying branch do not attend any query on pension matters. They direct the pensioners to contact the CPPCs. The defence pensioners and the family pensioners are the worst sufferers. Most of the defence pensioners are not aware of their correct entitlement of pension. The banks are also not interested to train their staff on disbursement of pension.

There seems to be no initiative by the government and the banks for improvement of pension disbursement in the near future. This means, the situation will continue.

वृद्ध पेंशनरों को अतिरिक्त पेंशन

फोर्ट सेंट जॉर्ज, चेन्नई-9 पर ईएसएम हेल्पलाइन केंद्र के बाहर उनके पेंशन का भुगतान बैंकों से अतिरिक्त पेंशन का दावा करने के लिए वृद्ध पेंशनरों को पत्र के सैकड़ों भेज दिया.

यह फीडबैक प्राप्त हो गया कि पेंशनरों के सबसे 80 साल की उम्र में 90-2006 की अवधि के दौरान 2011 से मृत्यु हो गई और कानूनी वारिसों में से कोई भी जीवन समय के बकाया के रूप में मृतक पेंशनभोगी के लिए अतिरिक्त पेंशन का दावा करने के बारे में पता कर रहे हैं से समझा गया है. इसके अलावा 80 वर्ष की आयु से ऊपर रहने वाले कई पेंशनरों, 85, 90 अपनी अतिरिक्त पेंशन नहीं किया गया अब तक का भुगतान किया.

कई मृतक पेंशनरों के बचत बैंक खातों को बंद नहीं है और शेष कई वर्षों के लिए उनके कानूनी वारिस को भुगतान किया जाता है. कुछ मामलों में नियमित पेंशन बैंक के पेंशनभोगी की मृत्यु की सूचना के बाद भी भुगतान किया जा रहा है. कुछ बैंक बहुत मृतक पेंशनभोगी का एटीएम कार्ड रद्द करने के बारे में विशेष कर रहे हैं, लेकिन कई मामलों में एटीएम कार्ड पेंशनभोगी के रिश्तेदारों द्वारा पेंशनभोगी की मृत्यु के बाद भी किया जाता है.

CPPCs के गठन के बाद पेंशनरों बड़ी कठिनाई में डाल रहे हैं. उनकी पेंशन का भुगतान शाखा पेंशन मामलों पर किसी भी प्रश्न उपस्थित नहीं करते. उन्होंने पेंशनरों CPPCs संपर्क करने के लिए प्रत्यक्ष. रक्षा पेंशनरों और परिवार पेंशनरों सबसे बुरा पीड़ित हैं. रक्षा पेंशनरों से ज्यादातर उनके पेंशन का सही पात्रता की जानकारी नहीं है. बैंकों ने भी दिलचस्पी नहीं कर रहे हैं पेंशन का संवितरण पर अपने कर्मचारियों को प्रशिक्षित करना.

वहाँ के लिए और निकट भविष्य में पेंशन वितरण में सुधार के लिए सरकार ने बैंकों द्वारा कोई पहल हो रहा है. इसका मतलब है, स्थिति के लिए जारी रहेगा.

Best regards to Indianexserviceman Blog.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Hav.NK.Periaswamy Right) with our Chief Admin.Officer
Hony.Flt.Lt.M.Packia Natarajan.

Veteran VK.Periaswamy called on our Trust office for confirming the correctness of his pension.


Name: VK.Peria Swamy No: 6874411 Rank: Hav Gp- ‘B’

Disability Element percentage- 20% Medically Boarded out.

RO- AOC Secunderabad.

PDA: Canara Bank, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli-Dist, TN.

On scrutinizing his pension papers and Bank pass book entries, we noticed that he was not being paid the Disability pension. Immediately we contacted the Branch Manager of the PDA and informed about the discrepancy. He accepted out findings and promised to correct the discrepancy in this month itself.

Then, on verifying the Discharge Certificate, we noticed that he was Medically Boarded out, hence he is eligible for Broad Banding of Disability as per CDA cir 429. We prepared the related Annexure then and there got it signed by the Bank Manager and dispatched to AOC Record Office, Secunderabad.

The Veteran was so happy and expressed his heartfelt gratitude for this voluntary help and sincere service.

Friday, June 24, 2011



தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் என்ற புத்தகத்திலிருந்து
Sincer Thanks to Indian Exserviceman Blog


 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...