Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hony.Captain S.Murukesan (Left) expressing his thanks to our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah ,veteran

On hearing the services of our Trust, one Hony.Capt  called on us from Nagercoil
about 60 Km from our Place and expressed his grievances  that his pension was not revised correctly.

Name: S.MURUKESAN    Rank: Hony.Captain.(Sub.Maj) JC 161215K
QS:32 YRS.    PPO.NO: S/054708/97 AND S/CORR/046030/98.
PDA: Syndicate ban- Nagercoil, KK dist, TN.
First he was sanctioned with pension for the Rank of Hony.Lt and then Hony.Capt..

We understand from the veteran that he was being paid pension fro the Rank of Hony.Lt  for a long time in spite of his repeated request and representation.
Lastly he approached Defence Adalat and got the instruction  for pension for Hony.capt.  Now he is being paid correct Rate.

He complained that the pension was revised from 1-1-2006 only and not from the date of discharge i.e 1-4-1998.

We verified his available records . On going through his pass book entries  from 1-5-1998 and month wise calculation,  we noticed that the Bank has disbursed the pension at correct Rate  from 1-5-1998 to 31-12-2005 also...

We explained the same to the veteran with full calculation and he was satisfied
and was relieved of his tension. He was of the view that his pension was revised from 1-1-2006 only  and was worried.  After coming to us and with our submission he is happy  and his grievances addressed.


  1. As You are taking up the case for so many. Let me put forward a anomaly done in OROP vide Circular No. 555 in which Hony. Flying Officer of IAF Qualifying service is give 32 Years as per Appendix 'X'. Whereas no Hony.Flying Officer retire having less than 35 years Q.S. In the same Circular (appendix X)the Q.S. for JWO is 33 years + above, WO is 33 years + above and MWO is 33 years + above. In Air Force Hony.Flying Officer rank is given to only WO and MWO at last years service i.e. on Superannuation that means at the age of 57 years. If someone joins at the age of 20 years(maximum limit for joining in IAF) than his Q.S. is 37 years. The pension scale as per Table 7 of cicular 55 for Hony Flying Officer with 32 years Q.S. is 16090/- and with 33 Years+above Q.S. is 16160/- This is a big injustice of Hony Flying having Q.S. 33 + above and getting Rs. 16090/- as PDA is not authrising because Hony Flying Officer Q.S. given 32 Years only.
    Can this anomaly can be taken up in Defence Adalat OR Your Association can take up the case with PCDA Allhabad.

    1. You are very correct Sir
      But CDA does not lister to us.
      Some body should approach AFT to get it done.
      Thank you for your comments.

  2. Very good service. Nobody can do this service except Exwel Trust.

  3. Sir. Thanks. To H/Captn Murugesan H/ Captn Pension. Thanks sir

  4. Sir Any auth to Medical allowance Rs 2000/- per month as per 7th PC. Please issue a copy.
    Thanks sir.



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...