Saturday, October 1, 2016


 Dear friend, thank god that  the orders are released During our Life time itself.

The   very long awaited order for full pension of 50%(DE-LINKING OF 33 YRS) is issued by MOD

vide No: 1(2)/2016-D(Pen-Pol)dated 30-9-2016.

Now CDA circular is expected at any time for disbursement of arrears..

Let us be Happy that the Orders  for Both DE-Linking and the
 7th Pay commission are released simultaneously.

Now, it is up to the PCDA and Banks to disburse the arrears
at the earliest possible time.

We hope to receive the arrears before Booja Holidays.


  1. Dear Sir,

    This is devender from Haryana. After checking your blog I find its very supportive. I have a question and its very helpful to me if I got any information from your side over this.

    My father was retired from militry in 1980 with a service of 8 years and 3 month, with Medical(20% disability).

    He was reemployed in one PSU after retirement.

    He retired from PSU in 2004.

    He was taking both pensions.

    Unfortunately he was died in 2010, and after than my mother was qualified as family pensioner.(before there was a rule to choose only one pension and she opted out PSU pension). But in 2012 dual family pension allowed and after than her second pension(defence) started.

    Here my question is that.. does she is applicable to come under this new enhancement policy to 50%(before she was getting only 20% pension). If yes than what procedure we can follow or If not than in which case these new policies are applicable?

    Looking forward for you helpful suggestion...

    1. Dear Sir,

      There is no question of Disability to family pensioner.

      Hence the 20% received by your father is over on his demise. Mother will get only the Service element.

  2. Dear Sir,
    This is devender from Haryana. After checking your blog I find its very supportive. I have a question and its very helpful to me if I got any information from your side over this.

    My father was retired from militry in 1980 with a service of 8 years and 3 month, with Medical(20% disability).

    He was reemployed in one PSU after retirement.

    He retired from PSU in 2004.

    He was taking both pensions.

    Unfortunately he was died in 2010, and after than my mother was qualified as family pensioner.(before there was a rule to choose only one pension and she opted out PSU pension). But in 2012 dual family pension allowed and after than her second pension(defence) started.

    Here my question is that.. does she is applicable to come under this new enhancement policy to 50%(before she was getting only 20% pension). If yes than what procedure we can follow or If not than in which case these new policies are applicable?

    Looking forward for you helpful suggestion...

  3. I don't see any benefit for jcos. Why...?

  4. My self B L YADAV retired from army on medical grounds after serving 7.5 yrs in 1976 group y
    rank sepoy.let us tell my position under dl-33
    what will be calculation,my basic pension is Rs-3685/-wef 24/09/12,previously it was 3500/-

    1. We have to wait for some time . We have sought clarification for less period.

  5. Hi sir, i am suman kumar. i am discharge from air force on medical ground on 2003 i did 342 days of service. i am getting medical pension [5230(orop) + 1768(disability)+ DA]. so am i eligible for getting benefit of delinking of 33 years of qualifying service... if yes, what will my next basic pension and disability pension

    1. Pl.wait for some time , we have sought clarification.

  6. dear sir, i am a retired sergeant gp 1 now eqated to dip sgt,doe 19.11.1969,dod 30.11.1990 qs 21years and 18 days pensioned with rs 733. as on could you tell my pension under dl 33.
    secondly, my basic pension now is rs 8037.but as per delink 33 is 7750, i am unable to understand.
    if full pension means, 733/21 that my understanding of dl 33 correct.

  7. respected sir,
    i ex spr krishna s rane retired in 1979with completing 15.5 years of service from BEG sir how much will be arrear of dl-33 please provide me i shall be highly oblige if you do so.



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...