Wednesday, August 10, 2016



Practical Calculation of one our Veteran brothers.:

One ESM  was Re-employed in All India Radio, a Central Govt.
 Dept and retired after 18 yrs of service and was sanctioned with
Pension-Prorata basis.
Basic pension Rs.2480/- w.e.f 1-4-2004.
This was revised as per VIth PC  by consolidated method.
50% merger…… 1240.00
24%  DA……….   893.00- 1.1.2006
40% fixation……   992.00  (on Basic)…
    Total……….5605.00 Basic pension from 1-1-2006.   ( I)
He has received a Revised PPO also for this rate.

Now as per CDA cir C.144, a revision was there  Like our 501 cir,
But this veteran was nor benefited, no change.
He is drawing the same rate as on date.

Now, as per CDA circular  C149, the DE-Linking of 33 yrs of
Service is to be applied to all Pre-2006 retirees.Civil
It says, that the Mininmum pension shall not be less than 50% of Minimum Pay in the previous Pay scale  plus Grade Pay.

In this particular case,  the previous Pay scale was –
Pay in the pay Band   with multiplying  factor  as per VI th PC=
On minimum scale=     7450 X 1.86= 13860  + Gade pay 4600=
It works out to  + 13860+4600=18460.00
This is the minimum emolument of the statement=  18460.00
Pension shall not be less than 50% of this minimum
There is no question of Prorata- length of service.
50 % of this calculated Emolument  .
That is…………………18460 X 50%=  9230.00.   NOTE this( 2) .
Our Veteran brother is eligible for this Rate from 1-1-2006 as per circular C-149  . This rate tallies with CDA cir  C.102 also.

Now see the difference    -  9230-5605= 3625 per month .
Arrears DUE  from 1-1-2006 to 30-6-2014 up to the date of 7th PC.
It roughly works out to about 7 lacs plus.
Monthly pension from 01-07-2014 will be
Basic pension……..9230.00
DA@ 125%...........11538.00
            Total….      20768.00………………..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,( 3)

All the affected re-employed ex-servicemen can think over and approach your PDA for the revision and arrears if applicable..

Our veteran brothers are requested  to pass on this information to others also for getting the benefit.

This is an Illustration how to calculate.


  1. Dear Sir, your calculations are correct. This is how arrears are to be worked out. regards, Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)

    1. We sincerely thank you Sir for your comments
      Sgt.S,kanthiah vetean

    DEPARTMENT-What are you trying to say.Is this order universal or only for reemployed exservicemen.Why do you add the sentence FOR REEMPLOYED EXSERVICEMEN.WHY DO YOU MIS INTERPRET LIKE THIS?

    1. Dear sir, it is universal - For central civil services like Central exercise, In come Tax, etc. Pl go though CDA cir C-149, Our Re-employed ESM are benefited, that is why it is said.
      Thank you for your comments.

  3. Dear Sir, Kindly send the MOD letter letter for further action please.

    1. Pl.Go though CDA circular C.149.

      Thank you

    2. Dear Writer !
      On minimum scale= 7450 X 1.86= 13860 + Gade pay 4600=
      Above Calculation/Factor 1.86 formula had Applied at a time of Fixation of 6th CPC.
      It means'Rs 7450 pension was in this grade before Notified of 6 cpc' including 50% Dearness Allowance' It means Rs 4967 only pension had Fixed to pensioner according to 5th CPC at a time of retirement of that personal. Please kindly send Rs 4967 only will Applied for'Which Rank' of our Three Armed forces. I waiting for your kind reply for our necessary calculation please.

    3. Dear Writer !
      On minimum scale= 7450 X 1.86= 13860 + Gade pay 4600=
      Above Calculation/Factor 1.86 formula had Applied at a time of Fixation of 6th CPC.
      It means'Rs 7450 pension was in this grade before Notified of 6 cpc' including 50% Dearness Allowance' It means Rs 4967 only pension had Fixed to pensioner according to 5th CPC at a time of retirement of that personal. Please kindly send Rs 4967 only will Applied for'Which Rank' of our Three Armed forces. I waiting for your kind reply for our necessary calculation please.

    4. Dear Sir, this is applicable for Central civil service only , not to our defence forces, hence no question of Rank
      Pl read CDA cir C-149

  4. Dear sir,

    is this applicable to retired ex army personnel from life insurance corporation of india?

    1. No Sir, LIC is Public undertaking Unit.

      this applicable for Central civil service only.
      Pl go through CDA cir C-149

  5. Dear sir, I worked in the army as hav/clerk for 13 years service and discharged with disability pension on 01 sept 1997 . My question is I am eligible for pension under this rule or not and what will be my group 'B" minimum pension. pl clarify.

  6. My doubt is entirely different.50% of DA was converted as DP( Dearness Pension) wef 1.4.2004.Since the re employed pensioner was retired from central Govt Civil service wef 1.4.2004 there is a possibility of the prorate pension worked out and shown as 2480 may be inclusive of DP.Erlier minimum pension was 1275 +50% DP say 1913.If the pension of Rs 2480 was exclusive of DP then the calculation appears to be correct. Pay scale of S13 7450-225-11500 is the top most post admissible to the civilian non Gezetted staff and reemployed pensioner may not get the topmost post within 18 years service if not a direct appointee. This also needs consideration whether he is entitled for DA for both the pension on that date ie for civil and military. Request to verify the correctness as the arrears calculated amounting to Rs 700000 and it may create confusion.

  7. In my opinion re employed military personnel while joining the second appointment in civil service in his case 1986 he has to excute option to count the benefit of previous military service for fixation of pay in the higher level or to accept the minimum pay admissible to the new appointment.Here he has completed 18years total service in the re employed service/post. Had his last pay drawn in the pay scale admissible to rank in which he was retired of average of last 10 months are normally considered for calculation of pension. Here I suppose his last pay in the pay scale of 7450-225-11500 should have reached at least at the level of 9090.This figure will be divided by 33 and subsequently multiplied by 18 should be fixed @ 2480 other wise the correctness is to be checked. If the formula applied in the above case is correct then the fixation of pension worked out as on01.01.2006 can be considered as correct in my opinion.Here last post ,pre 2006 pay scale and the pay last drawn needs verfication from his PPO. This is only my views because the fixation formula for reemployed pensioners are issued separately. Regret for the error if any.

    1. Here you need not go for lat pay drawn.
      Cir C-102, they have given the minimum eligible rate. At least that amount to be taken for calculation. Compare the Previous Pay Scale and Vith PC scale.
      Ref: Cir C-102, C-144 and C-149.
      You will understand better.

  8. How about entitlement of military pension and arrears admissible based on the delinking of 33 years for which orders are yet to be issued. If he was dischared from military service with less qualifying service he is suppose to get additional arrears from military side. So a huge amount may accrue in his bank pension account. really un expected. GOOD LUCK FOR ALL THE EFFECTED RE EMPLOYED PENSIONERS.

  9. Respected Sir, If your honor could clarify my following doubt I shall be very much thank full to you. My first doubt the pension of Rs 2480 was on which pay scale unde 5th CPC with effective date as on 1.1.1996.Second point 4th CPC effective date is 1.1.1986.Exservicemen re employed in the month of Mar 1986 on completion of 18 years service will retire on 31.3.2004. Efective date of 50%DAconverting as Dearness pension is 01.4.2004.In this case his Basic pension and DP might have considered for fixing of pension or got revised for the entitlement of increased commutation amount. Thirdly He should be appointed in pay scale of 2375-3500 or 2375-3750 in the initital stage wef Mar 1986.This pay scale was revised under 5th CPC wef 1.1.1996 as S 13 7450-225-11500.If the individual is promoted and placed from lower pay scale to the higher pay scale of 7450-11500 before his retirement his minimum pension as per fitment table presuming his starting pay as 7450X1.86= XXXXXX and fixing his pension as half of it wef 1.1.2006 is in my opinion will be correct and accurate.Why I got the doubt is due the huge difference in pension by applying the delinking of 33 years service condition. You may kindly verifying the correctness to avoid confusion among the effected re employed pensioners.There may be ignorence of rules position on my side if so I seek appology. With regards.

  10. mere papa ki 3500 pension hai on minimum base. 11 yrs service h then PSU absorbe h means (prorata) 30/06/1990 retirment date h. civilian . now tell me kya unki pension par bhi effect hoga



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...