Wednesday, July 20, 2016



It was informed through CDA cir 494 to revise the affected Enhanced Rate of Family pensioners,  taking 50% of Minimum pay band + grade pay +MSP + X group Pay.
But what happened ?  No bank has revised the affected  cases.
For example : Take a case of Hav- Group-Y  QS; 20 yrs.
ERFP  :  Scale of Pay:  5200- 20200- GP;2800 MSP:2000 Total=10000
             ERFP is 50% of this=   5000   See Table No-1 of CDA cir 494. OK.
This is effective from 1-1-2006.  Those who were drawing ERFP as on 1-1-2006
are eligible for this amount but they were paid  3500 only……………….(1)
Like wise for all the Ranks in all the 3 Sevices.

Now after series of representations from all the corners, MOD has issued an order
No: 1(14)/2012-D(Pen/Pol) , GOI, MOD dated 14-6-2016.
To revise the ERFP as per   Pay in the Pay Band -the Minimum Fitment Table and CDA cir 503 With effect from 24-9-2012. And now they say that the effective Date is from 1-1-2006 instead of 24-9-2012.

Now the revision for the above example will be:
ERFP as per  cir 503  for Hav- Y- 20Yrs of service…..: 6453.00 w.ef. 24-9-2012
But was paid  as per cir 494 (if it was revised)………..  5000.00  w.e.f 1-1-2006
                                               The difference……               1453.00per month.
Arrears  from 1-1-2006 to 23-9-2012……..1453 x 103.65= 150603/-
(if the widow was drawing ERFP for this period )
If less period, we have to calculate accordingly.
Suppose, she was being paid only 3500 instead of 5000, then the arrears will be 6453-3500=2953   and 2953 X103.65= 306078.

If nobody has noticed this, the families will be looser by this arrears.

Dear veteran brothers, please find out the affected widows in your areas  and help them to get their entitled arrears. This will be a noble service.


  1. DEAR SIR HOW CAN WE PROCEED WITH MOD CIRCULAR ADDRESSED TO CHIEFS ONLY. Not addressed to PDAs. IT WILL BE AN ATTEMPT AS OVERSCRUPLUS . No doubt we shall navigate the PDA but entire responsibility at least morally borne by us.

    1. Let us wait for the CDA circular.

      This is for information only.
      affected people can be informed of this news.

      Thank you for your comments.

  2. Arrears are also to be paid to My father from 01.01.2006. My father has been complaining since December 2015 on PMO Website and on PG portal for arrears. Each and every time PCDA, Allahabad only forwards my application to CPPC, SBBJ, Jaipur but arrears have not paid after one year of office memorandum of Department of Pension and pensioners welfare. My father has served in the Indian Army and retired on 30.04.1992 and now aged 62 years. Then you may guess that when a living ex serviceman is not paid arrears despite 2-3 complaints on PG PORTAL and on PMO Portal, then what a family pensioner may expect.

    1. Please give us your full particulars like Rank, group, Length of service, Bank ,A/c No abnk address ect. We will write to their CPPC.
      Thank you for seeking our help.

  3. Dear sir GE, YOUR ESSAY TOTALLY MISLEADINGLY US. The PDA TRUST US UPONWHICH WE HELP NOT ONLY PDA BUT OUR SELF. How do you say circular by MOD ESW ADDRESSRED ON ENHANCED RATE OF FAMILY PENSION when addressed to CAS, COAS and not particularly addressed pda how they can implement. Please help our community. No second thought upon which.Does not mean we shall penalise for no bearings. Secondly the circulars by MOD says fitment factor as on 01.01.2006 should be applied and not whole circular of 502. To be brief in your illustration A EFP OF HAVILDAR for 20years of service for say group y is 6420 only as on 01.01.2006 and not 6453. Please understand the whole benefit available as on 24.12.2012 is NOT preponded effective 01.01.2006. Please sir clarify before guide us. Please don't be silent also.

    1. Dear sir, It is an information. We can wait for CDA circular. There is nothing wrong in informing about the MOD letter.
      Thank you for your commens.

  4. Dear sir, upon going to help our veterans and their families, you are helping us lot and navigating us also. You are undoubtedly answer to all upon as to, before issueing circu to pda how he will act on mod circular. Secondly, the circular 502 contains two please note wef 24.09.12. eofp will be available wef 24.09.12 either mgp of fitment factor or eligibility of notional maximum prorata as available to self pension. Now the GOVT desw says mgp fitment factor but not prorata on notional maximum under circular 502 is available wef 01.01.2006. To simplify by the eg you have given above,ENHANCED RATE OF ORDINARY FAMILY PENSION OF a Havildar of 15 years or 20 years or above eligible for mgp of minimum mf based wef 01.01.2006 but not the prorata of notional maximum given to the family under EROFP available under 20years above. PLEASE will you enlighten me since i go to help many of vetreans. THANKING YOU SIR

    1. In this regard, if your extnding help to ESM community, then please go through CDA circulars, 494 , 510 , 548
      then this latest MOD letter.
      You have to wait for CDA circular for approaching PDA.

  5. Dear Excel trust sir, your noble service to veteran community is fine. But before issuing circular by PCDA asking pda to implement circular upon enhanced rate of ordinary family pension, IS OVERSCRUPLUS LET UE be TEMID LET IT COME PROPER CHANNEL. RECENT circular ISSUED BY MINISTRY DESW upon enhanced rate of family pension says

    1. This is for information . you can wait for CDA circular.
      thank you for your comments.

  6. Please help me for my orop .how to get it .till the date I am waiting for prop arrear. Please call 9776156216

    1. Please visit our web site. or please send your full aprticulars - Rank, group and length of service and Bank details
      We will try to help you.



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...