Friday, July 1, 2016



When a soldier sustains injury / suffered by diseases during training or Term of engagement,
 where the disability due to causes which are accepted as Attributable /Aggraveted by
Military service, he may be discharged with disability pension.

If the injury/ disease / disability due to causes which are neither Attributable nor Aggraveted
by Military services such as constitutional diseases, Chronic Ailments etc. , he may be
discharged with out disability pension.

The degree / percentage of Disability is decided by Military Medical board .
If the percentage falls below 20%, no disability pension.
If more thaqn 20% , it may be sanctioned for a certain period, say 5 to 10 years and
then the veteran has to appear for Re- Medical . During Re-Medical , his condition
will be assessed and the same disability may be extended for another some period or
for life.
During Re-medical, if the there is improvement, and the percentage falls below 20%,
the disability may be discontinued.

For Pre-1996 retirees, the range was 20%, 30% ,40%, 50% and so on upto 100%.
The Rate was fixed for Ranks;
Example:    for  100%
   Rank                         Vth CPC             VIth CPC

Sep to Hav                   1550                   3510
Nb.Sub to Sub Maj      1900                   4300
Comm Offrs &
Hony.Offrs                    2600                  5880

For post 1996 retirees, if the cause of Discharge was- Invalided out / Medically
boarded out, the Minimum rate was sanctioned as 50%-
nly three rates,  50,  75  and 100%.

Then as per CDA cir 429, this benefit was extended to Pre-1996 retirees also
on application, but with effect from 1-7-2009 only.
i.e 20 to 49%-  50,  50to 75- 75  and above 75  -100%.
Again as per CDA cir 529, this benefit was extended from 1-1-1996 for
 the same people but on application anf getting Corr.PPO.

Then as per CDA cir 456, the Fixed Rate was change in to Percentage wise.
That is , 30%of emolument of a Rank and Group will be for 100% disability.
with a minimum of 3510/-
For example:
For a sepoy of group- X, Emolument /Min.fitment as per cir 542- 12240
30% of 12240 will be=   12240X 30%= 3672, this for 100% DE.
which was 3510 earlier.  Like was for all the ranks and groups.
This rate was effected from 1-1-2006.
This Rate is already applicable for Post 2006 retirees.
This same formula is follwed as per CDA circulars 542, 555, 560 and 562.
D/ 123/2001
DE/123/ 2001
DE/ CORR/123/2001
D/ BC/ 123/2001.
Circulars connected with disability pension:
282, 397, 410, 429, 456, 529, 542, 555, 560, and 562.

All veteran brothers are requested  to read the same and
 please pass on to other veterans also..

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    Broad banding for Pre.2006 discharge cases is limited to litigants. The universal applicability can not be inferred as the wording clearly mentioned 'court orders'. SC while delivering judgement said the petitions lying at various courts/tribunals to be disposed off following the judgement pronounced in that case. That means SC closed the doors for govt for filing of future SLPs by GoI in SC to contest AFT/HC judgement favouring ESM and also given directions to HC/AFT to dispose the
    pending cases infavour of litigants.

    As of now,(Pre 2006 discharge cases )one has to get orders either from AFT/HC to get ones
    disability pension broad banded.

    Genl Kadyan in a brief published in one of the ESM blog after publication of the concerned order in DESW site that the defence ministry has taken up matter with Fin.Min. for univesal application.

    However, I would like to know the cases taken with record offices after these circulars are published did yield any positive result and any information from record office.

    Thanking you.

    N.Arumugam, Ex-Sgt



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...