Wednesday, January 6, 2016


 Our Trust members  on the stage
 The veterans in the function
 The veterans and their families.
 Our Managing trustee Sgt.R.chellappa, air veteran welcoming the veterans and their families
 MJanaging trustee R.Chellappa Narrating the inception and the functioning of our trust
 Our Wing Commander P.J. Victor(Retd) (  on left) releasing the Book  and Sgt.Shanmugam,veteran  receiving it.
 Havildar Sankaran - Nursing asst, ECHS is being honoured and  awarded with a Memento
 Mr.Ramamoorthy , 90 yrs old Octogenarian (with cap) is donating artificial Limb to Selvi Aparna, a.handicapped girl..
 Mrs. Chellappa W/O our Managing trustee distributing Sarees and Dhothies to Poor people.
 Mr.Raja Sekar from Nangooram Builders  explaining about the Aged Home for veterans.
 Sgt.David ,Air Veteran deelivering  lecture on Terminal Care for aged veterans.
 Cpl.Mohana Rangan Air Veteran from AFVAI requesting the veterans for unity

Veteran Raju- NEXCC from Dindigul appreciating the services of our Trust.

The 10th Anniversary function of our EX-SERVICEMEN AND SOCIAL WELFARE TRUST was held on 03-01-2016. at Mani Mahal, Santhi Nagar, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli,  Tamil Nadu.

A Book on pension matters  in Tamil, 2nd  Edition was released  by our  beloved

 Wing Commander Victor –(Retd).

Our Managing Trustee Sgt.R.Chellappa , Air Veteran narrated the events and functioning of our Trust.

    4 Elder  veterans above 80yrears were honoured.(Mr.Ramamoorthy, chief engineer retd 90yrs,), Nk.Durai Pandian- 82 yrs and Sep- Sudalaimuthu thevar- 87 yrs. And Smt.Parvathy-W/o HFO- 83 yrs.
    One  90 yrs old Saurya Chakra Awardee  Mr.Rama Moorthy, Chief Engineer of  GREF (Retd) was  honoured.
 Mr.Ramamoorthy donated   Artificial Limbs to one handicapped child  Miss.Apparna.

Our Trust and many veterans  felicitated her with cash awards in this function.

 Four  Children of our  veterans were given cash award for scoring high Marks in the school.

Three poor families in our area were presented with Sarees and Dhothis by our Trust.

Then  Sgt.David,Veteran gave a Lecture on Terminal Care for aged and bedridden  veterans.

Mr.Raja Sekaran, from Nangooram Builders explained a Scheme on Old age Home for veterans with Power Point Slides.
Smt.Lakshimi, a widow of our veteran  gave a brief lecture on Meditation and a meditation was performed for 30 minutes.
 Veteran Cpl.Mohana Rangan , Tamil Nadu Co-coordinator of ARMED FORCES VETERANS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (AFVAI)  delivered a wonderful speech on the need for  Unity among Veterans  to fight for our rights ,including  pension and other issues..
Veteran Raju, President  NEXCC  from Dindigul  gave a fine speech  and praised about the functioning of our Trust.
More than 200 veterans and their families were served with tasty Lunch.

After the Lunch , interactions on pension and other matters was held.
Air Veterans -Sgt.Shanmugam, Sgt.C.Muthukrishnan  and Sgt.S.kanthiah  answered and cleared their doubts.  And   30 minutes power point presentation was given on ECHS and Pension.

Our Chief Admin.Officer, Hony.Flt.Lt.Packia  Natarajan gave a vote of thanks
and the function concluded with National Anthem.
The function was a grand success.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...