Sunday, January 31, 2016



We are very happy to inform all our veteran brothers and ESM familiy pensioners, that a FREE LEGAL AID  FOR ESM COMMUNITY  is established in our TIRUNELVELI- DISTRICT COURT , Tamil Nadu  headed by a Senior Judge Smt. J.Tamil Arasi.

We are also proud to know that the Judge is  a daughter of our Military Junior Non Commissioned Officer.

The first meeting was held on 19-01-2016, about 25 veterans and widow pensioners attended.

Our veteran brothers Hony.capt.Arumugam, sgt.C.MuthuKrishnan   gave a brief  speeches about the problems and hardships faced by us including Attestation from Ist Class Magistrate .  Advocate Mr.Muthuralingam  also explained the types of  legal helps available .
 We  thanked the authorities for establishing  this ADALAT  exclusively for ESM.

Then, the Judge explained about the legal Aids available for our community  in all the areas like pension, disputes in families, properties  and counseling etc. She assured us to help in solving our problems at District level and if needed , will take up case with AFT  through Government , free of cost. Such a meeting will  be held  at every quarter  and Grievances application may be submitted any time to this office.

It is a good  beginning, a first  of this kind in our District. 
 All our ESM brothers  and Widow pensioners  are   requested to avail this facilities and inform the fellow veterans also.

You can also approach our Exwel  Trust for guidance if required.

1 comment:

  1. Dear All Veterans
    We all expected Matrix-table would be delivered by PCDA(P) in end a month of Jan-2016. We all veterans are very glad' with morally and mentally torched and harassed by this Govt 'Since last 8 month by this Govt ' it yet not been issued by Govt' thus Table had already sent been to CGDA/MoD second week month of Jan-2015 for further approval .The Many comment has written by Great Officers and rank of higher delegated personnel's but all commitment has failed. We have seen the many news by our delegated personnel's making a news without authentication / certification for developing of TRP a Ex- Service men blog. The question is whether blogger have No any right for flowing false news without authentication through any stakeholder personnel's. As a Example Mr Lt Gen kadyan have written through blog of EX- Service man' MoD had not release table Unfortunately, it could not be pushed out due to an unfortunate bereavement early today morning in the family of one of the dealing senior bureaucrats.

    Note- MoD //DESW' would deliver GO/ Notification for implementation of OROP along with terms and condition which has made in process been for further effective. Thus after that on behalf of GO' / Notification PCDA(P) Allahabad have authority for issuing of Circular along with Matrix table to all CDA/PDA for further enhancing pension to account holder of Ex- veterans.



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...