Friday, January 22, 2016


Dear Veteran  brothers 
Most of you have received the arrears as per CDA cir 547 by now.
Still some more are to get their arrears.

Most of the Family pensioners have not received the arrears .
As there is different dates of eligibility, the Banks are finding it difficult to calculate and the delay.
Like  Pensioner died before 1-1-2006,  Died  between  1-1-2006  and 30-6-2009 and
 died  between  30-6-2009 and 24-9-2012.
ELIGIBILITY  PERIOD : 1-1-2006 TO 23-9-2012.
As the calculation is complicated, the Banks are taking time. We have to bear with them.
 ARMY-Sepoy to Havildar ranks  ---- only X / A group  is eligible for arrears and  B to E not eligible.
Family pensioners may be informed  about  this.
Seaman II and Seaman I ---No arrears
Leading Seaman – Only B group  eligible  ,  and C group not eligible  for arrears.
Petty Officers and above Ranks  – all the groups are eligible for arrears
Other groups  Y and Z not eligible for arrears.
Corporal and above Ranks, all groups are eligible for arrears.
HONY.Commissioned Officers Famlies:   all are eligible for arrears.


Dear veteran brothers, please  guide and help the family pensioners in your areas.


  1. DEAR SIR, I am more indebted to you for your lightning response to redress my grievances. I regularly visit your blog. I CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE SECOND TO NONE TO REMAIN IN FOREFRONT TO EXPLORE POSSIBILITIES FOR REDRESSAL OF PENSIONERS PLIGHT PARTICULARLY ARMED VETERANS. I DO ALSO UNDERSTAND YOU GO BEYOND ENTHUSIASTICALLY TO WIPE OUT OTHER SOCIETY PROBLEMS DO THE ARMED FORCES VETERANS FACE. IN RETURN VETERANS LIKE ME POSSESS NOTHING TO REPAY BUT THE GRATITUDE. In my case I have two identity one is ex-servicemen and the other being retired bank employee drawing defence pension in the same bank. Since my identity both well known at regional and zonal level, they should not think that I approched you for the arrears by-passing them.More Over I have been told after repeated approach that the arrears would be released by this month end alongwith regular monthly pension. I will certainly approach your kindness after when all my possible approach to them are totally availed and exhausted and no further avenues available to me. Thanking you sir, Your. Ex Sgt Anandaraman Clk Gd iii

    1. dear Sir, pl let us know your full particulars like Name, Rank, group, length of service and date of discharge. Present rate of pension. name of bank and branch. We will calculate the arrears , you can claim
      Sgt.S.kanthiah, veteran

    2. siri am grp x ex_sgt ashok ghosh.732046-service 20 yrs.branch arrears pls.dor 31jul2008

    3. grp x sgt ashok kumar ghosh.732046-total service 20yrs.SBI kandi wb DOR 31jul2008'my arrears pls

    4. grp x sgt ashok kumar ghosh.732046-total service 20yrs.SBI kandi wb DOR 31jul2008'my arrears pls

    5. Respected SIR, I AM SGT ANANDARANAN VETERAN CLK GD GROUP III DOD 29.02.1988. 15 years of service. Subsequently joined the bank therein I gained some incremental benefits on account of such I forgone deafness pension relief on my pension. Payment of arrears under circular 547 is very simple in my case since I didn't draw dearness relief during that period 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2009( beneficial period) mine is only the difference of minimum guaranteed pension 4186 minus 3633 being 553 for forty two months works out to 23226/_ which have sought for from the banker.The banker is not interested to know all these calculation. Towards straight path this defence pension I have been regularly subjecting to total income for computation tax and pay tax accordingly. Despite all these though my path is straight I do hesitate to dash with them. I will get my arrears. But do the shadow of my action to get them will stand afterwards also. I am eclamated on your overwhelming response to cause of veterans. Your rescue( which is invaluable treasure) is centrally nerved in my central part of brain and I should not simply waste it for this subjudice matter.Dear sir, In calculation of arrears YOU ARE LORD VINAYAGA. Have given shortcut methods such as 46.02, 103.65etc in front you many a thousands of Murugan can't stand before you. FANTASTIC SHORTCUT METHODS.I AM JEALOUS on your sprit. Please bear with. Yours lovingly, Anandaraman.

  2. I as Hav Group Y retired in the month of Aug 2005 ie(31 Aug) total service 21 and 8 month of service have not received arrears pre-2006 by PNB, pl help me

  3. Dear Sgt Kanthiah,I request you to go through the PCDA Allahabad circular No 430 minutely for less than 28 years of service of each rank in comparition with the figures reflected in the circular No 547,there you may find difference in the pension entitlement with effect from 1.1.2006 applicable to pre 1996 retirees and 1.1.2006 to 9.10.1997 from Sep to Sub with more benefits to X group than Y group. I suppose a Sub belonging to Y Group and happened to be pre 1996 retirees, he is entitled for arrears from 1.1.2006 to 30.6.2009 approximately 106+ DA admissible on that date.Post 10.10.1997 retrees may not be benefited much in comparition with pre 1996 and 1.1.1996 to 9.10.1997. Please go through the circular No 430 and 547 and advise the effected Veterans with their correct entitlement of arrears due to them. As regards family pensioners,take the case of widow of Sub of X group having 19.5 years service.As per sixth pay commission,family pension chart is fixed for each rank,in the case of Sub it is 5190 but the figure shown in the table is wrong.I will clarify how it was wrong.Minimum of Pay band for JCOs 9300+4600GP+2000 MSP+1400 Xpay = 17300. 8650.Family pension admissible is 60%. It comes to 5190. As per circular 502,Family pension of Sub X Group with 19.5 years service is 6168.The circular No 547 and table attached to that is very clear that Family of Sub of X group is entitled for family pension at the rate of 6168 wef 1.1.2006 instead of 5190.Please calculate difference with admissible DA for that period and educate the bank authorities through a due drawn statement for the period from 1.1.2006 to 30.6.2009 of the effected cases. It is my view.

  4. Sir I ex Hav A.Jacob served for 17.5 years in group 'B'. I got the arrears only for 1.1.06 to 30.6.09 only Rs.13110/-
    Please confirm email .

    1. Sir your Basic as epr cir 547-4271 and cir 4303986, the difference is 285
      Arrears 285X46.02= 13115. so it is correct.
      Sgt.S.kanthiah, veteran

  5. Is SGT of Gp Y is eligible for arrears as circular 547

  6. Yes Sir , W/O Sgt.Gp- Y is eligible for arrears if she was drawing 3500 from 1-1-2006. Her pension as per cir 547 is 3852 w.e.f 1-1-2006 -Diff is.352 . Arrears will be 352 X 103.65=36485. Pl claim.
    Sgt.s.kanthiah, veteran.

  7. My husband died in the year 2013,he served for 17 years rank havildar.and i'am receiving family pension from this date with basic pay of 3500.What will be my arrears as per circular 547.

  8. My husband died in the year 2013,he served for 17 years rank havildar.and i'am receiving family pension from this date with basic pay of 3500.What will be my arrears as per circular 547.

  9. Enter your comment...I'am widow of late havildar,who served indian army for 17 years and got retired in 1990.I'am receiving pension 3500 as basic pay.Till now no arrears as per cir 547.Please help sir

  10. sir I am x sgt grp x Ashok kumar ghosh 20 yrs bond complte.DoR 31jul2008' sbi kandi wb. my arrears pls

    1. Dear Sir, if you were discharged in 2008, there is no arrears. Only Pre-2006 retirees are eligible .
      thank you for visiting our blog.

  11. I am ex Sgt with 16 yes 3months service retired in arrear much I will get

    1. Dear Sir,
      For a sgt- gp-y QS-16.5 yrs
      Pen- 547- 4437
      pen- 430 4313 Difference- 124
      Arrears= 124 X 46.02=5706.
      Thank you for visiting our blog.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. sir I am ex JWO group y retd in aug 2000 after 26 yrs 8 days latest basic pen is 10029. kindly let me know if arrears applicable

  14. Dear Sir I am Ex-JWO Gp Y retd on 31 Aug 2000 after 26 Yrs of service kindly work out arrears if any my current Basic pen is 10029. Thanks

  15. I am ex sub gp x retired july 2000 with a svc of 28 years 22 days with bp 13105 is arrears for pre 2006 retiree is applicable to me if yes how much pls reply

  16. I am ex sub gp x with bp rs 13105 retd july 2000 is arrears for pre 2006 retires is applicable to me if yes then how much pls reply

  17. Dear Sir I am Ex-JWO group Y put up 20 yrs of service retired in aug 2000. Kindly let me know if arrears applicable. My Basic pension since 01 Sep 2009 is 10029. Thanks

  18. dear I retired in 2003 as JWO gp y with pension 3083, It was fixed in vi cpc as 6971 wef 01 jan 2006 later on it was re-fixed as 8088 wef 01 jul 2009, am I eligible for any arrears, Thank You

  19. Sir I am HAV total service 17.5 years . Retirement 1999 may.Army y group I got only 400 rs pl tell me what amount of my arrears.

    1. Eligible for -Rs.4878/-
      Difference- 4193-4087=106
      106X 46.02=4878.

  20. Jai hind sir iam ex naik (ts) phool singh from engineers crops (b.e.g roorkee ) q.s 17 yrs retiered on july. 2005 sir i requested to you pl. Can i get arrear¿ and how much.sir pl.kindly clearify

    1. Difference- 4193-4087=106
      106 X 46.02=4878/- Arrears.
      Please demend from bank.

    2. Sir good evenning .my name is priyadarshan. Sir my father retired on 31 Jan 1988. Expired on 5 may 1993. Completed 28 year army rank subedar. Sir let me know my mother pension should be according orop and how much arrear. Right now she is getting 15700 app.

  21. Enter your husband retired in 1990,rank Havildar group y.I,m receiving family pension from 2013.Do i'm eligible for arrears??

  22. Hello sir, my father SUB/SKT retired in 2004 and died in 2007.. He did 32 years of service in ASC battalion supply. The basic family pension is 13,700. Sir i want to know the arrear.

  23. Sir widow were also given just few hundred rupees increase in their family pension under OROP. I want to know that how MOD has decided to calculate OROP for widow and taken decision to calculate family pension and was increase just about lest the Rs.179/-. Wife of Hony Subedar Major who retired on 03-03-1991 and died on 26.06.1999 now his wife getting 7182/- and in OROP she gets 7361 =difference Rs.179/-. sir please tell me why Family pensioners were ignored in OROP.
    2.Sir do you think justice have been done with widow in OROP.
    3. Whether Family Pensioners will be considered by Govt. in Pay Commission or not.

    Satpal Singh Bhatti. Chandigarh

  24. My present Basic Pension is Rs.4764/w.e.f 24.9.12 and Table No.2 (ARMY)Cir-547 has been showing Rs.4998/- wef 01.01.2006 Fam Pension-Ex-Nb Sub died in service 29-11-1974 Pls calculate my dues.My PDA's not allowing me to get benefit 80yrs addl pension as my DOB not mentioned in P.P.O DOB 2.1.1936. Also not paying the dues as instructed by PCDA Circular 547. Thanks

  25. Dear sir, my father SUB /SKT retired in 2004 and died in 2007.. He did 32 years of service in ASC battalion supply. The basic family pension is 13,700. How much Arrear would be?

  26. Sir, I am Sub Maj/Hony Lt S. ARULRAJ retired from service wef 31 Jan 2004 after completion of 29 years 5 months. No arrears has been paid (Pre 2006 retired JCOs/OR) as per PCDA CIRCULAR No C-144 and 00000000000000g of I Min of Fin letter No CPAD/Tech/Revision(Pre-2006)/2015-16/1016-1086 dated 08-09-2015. Please explain.

  27. Sir
    I am EX POA (AH) retired on 31-01-1983 after 18.5 years Service, I have received only 12,000 Arrears. Is that amount is correct.
    It is also noted Pension of 18.5 year LAH add POA (AH) is same as per table-C attached with Cir-547, Is it the circular is correct?
    BS Chhina , POA (AH)

  28. Sir, I am Sub Major S. Arulraj (Clk GD) retired from service wef 31.01.2004 after completion of 28 yrs and 5 months service. No arrears has been received as per Circular No C.144 of PCDA (Pension) Allahabad till date. I approached my bankers but they had replied that the pension matters are dealing by Central Pension Processing Office Chennai and we cant help in this matter. I do not understand why such inordinate delay happening to the pensioners payment?

  29. Sir,I'm ex-sgt,dod is 31 Mar 2000,served for 20 years as a GP X ,my present basic 7760,and 9055 after orop.any possibility of arrears?if so how much

  30. Sir , my husband died on 14 june 1995
    Rank subedar group E
    I m eligible for arrear of 547

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...