Monday, October 27, 2014


Our Chief Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah ( Retd) is handing over a copy of the arrears calculation sheet to the War Injury Veteran VM.Kandan- 
The photo was taken on 9-4-2010 when he called on for  correction of his pension.
Now he expired on 29-3-2014.


Here is a pitiable case of a  widow of  a War wounded  soldier.

One Sepoy Vanumamalai Kandan, ( 8002935) from Pioneer Records  was wounded  during Chinese aggression  in the year 1962. He  lost his right Hand.   He was sanctioned with 100% war injury pension with constant Attended Allowance.  Qualifying Service – 2yrs.
     PPO,No; D/ 742/72,   D/BC/ 6033/2003 and D/BC/IP/10723/2007

His Eligible monthly pension.
Service Element …………………………….              . 5644.00  w.e.f 24-9-2012 (Cir 501) 
War injury Element 100%.................  9200.00   as per CDA cir 456.
DA at 90%..for 14844……………..       13360.00
Constant Attendance Allowance…       3000.00
  Total monthly pension ………………. 31204.00

Now the  pensioner died on 29-3-2014.

As per Joint notification, D/ JN/ 361/2004,  his wife is sanctioned with the minimum pension of Rs.3500/ -and with DA at 90%  3150  Total of Rs.6650/- per month.

See the difference between 31204  and 6650/-, a difference of  Rs.24554/ - per month.

The poor widow is eligible for this rs.6650 only from 30-2-2014.

Is it not a great INJUSTICE  .  At least , such widows may be sanctioned with Special Family pension  or some other formula by which the widows may be able to adjust  but not this much 400 %  less.  The service element may be fixed as Basic  pension.

All our Ex-servicemen organizations  are requested to view such cases seriously and project to authorities concerned  to remove this Himalayan difference in pension  and help the pitiable conditions of the innocent widows.  
Where and how these widows, mostly illiterate   will go and submit / express their grievances.

·         Our Welfare Trust  hopes  that our sincere appeal all our ESM organizations  may bring some kind of awareness among ourselves to come forward to help the war widows.

We have already represented this to our Army Veteran cell and IESM and DIWAVE  for taking up the matter for higher rate of family pension for such war widows.  

The War widow also has represented to Pioneer Record Office for higher rate of pension..                                                       


  1. Have already taken up case with MoD and SCOVA Dept of pensions & Pensioners Welfare as also with 7th CPC that the widow of a war disabled veteran who has been invalided out of service should be paid an enhanced pension taking into account service element plus disability element. Should be accepted shortly.

  2. sir, for disability pension there are anomalies being a uniform that system treating differently . before making their order they think twice thrise time for implimentation all disable military pensioner for various percentage group sepoy to havildar are the fighter while invalid or retaired from service treating as thrown out comparison with other higher rank great injustice they are treated as last pay drawn by indivisual they should right from full support by government and justice equally for all cases



 Today  17-12-2024  is  PENSIONERS DAY. we, the Exwel trust members   on the occasion of  pensioners day, "WISH YOU ALL THE PENSIONERS ...