Wednesday, May 11, 2011




The Govt.decision on the recommendation of V th CPC on revision of Enhanced rate of family pension for pre 1996 as per No.6(1)/ 99/D/ (Pen/Services) dated 5-10-1999 is as follows:

The revised ERFP as on 1-1-1996 will be 50% of the minimum of the revised scale of the Rank and group or the revised pension admissible in accordance with the provision as per AI 51 of 80 as amended from time to time, whichever is lower.

Also, this revised Enhanced Rate will be restricted to the notional revised pension as on 1-1-1996.(MOD Ltr. Dt.14-7-1998) This order is existing from 1-1-1996.

In spite of our repeated representation and appeals to MOD and the PCDA and many record offices, there is no response or the confirmation of the unrevised rate which is mostly the Normal rate of 3500 making no difference between Enhanced and the Normal rate of Family pension. The Banks are consolidating the Rate mentioned in the Original PPOs issued years back.

May we request all our Major ESM associations to take up the case seriously and help the poor and uncared young widows?


  1. Pensioner retired as CPO on 31/01/1991 after completing 25/00/18 of service in Indian Navy (Last Pay drawn was Rs.1650.00) with Basic Pension of Rs.996.00 died on 12/01/2011. In original PPO enhanced rate of family pension fixed for Rs.825.00 and normal rate of family pension fixed for Rs.450.00. Let me know the revised rate of both enhanced and normal rate of family pension

  2. Dear Sir,

    For a CPO, the Normal rate of family pension for Group-I. X is 5070 and Rs.4650 for other groups.

    The Enhanced Rate is not yet decided. They are consolidating according to the original PPO only. If that is the case , 825 will be consolidated as 5672/-

    But in this case, the CPO was discharged in 1991, and his pension was revised as per V th Pay commission and VI th Paycommission. Hence , the ERFP also should be enhanced. If the widow is still in the period of Enhanced rate, please write to Sr.A.O (P),
    Office of The PCDA (P),
    G-4 Section, Draupathi Ghat,
    Allahabad-211 014, UP.

    Giving full particulars, and a copy of the original PPO, and the present pension rate, the Bank particular and request them to inform the present rate of ERFP . they will inform you. There is no change in Normal rate.

  3. what is the rate of family pension of army lieut in 1996

  4. Sr.A.O (P),
    Office of The PCDA (P),
    G-4 Section, Draupathi Ghat,
    Allahabad-211 014, UP.
    Enhance rate of family pension is not being paid by bankers (PDAs)to the all effected widows of deceased pensioner for Seven years or pensioner died before attending age of 65 years of age, while pensioner expired on or after 01/07/2009.While periods of of enhanced rate of family pension clearly recorded in same PPOs ROs are not replying properly. Please do needful and issue necessary instruction to all concerned.

  5. my father retired from beg roorkee rank subedar group c on 31/01/1986 expired on 5/5/1993 according enhaced rate of family pension should be till 5/5/2000 (upto 7 year following the date of death as written in ppo) sir i want to know what should be enhanced rate of family pension according to the rank sub group c. from 5/5/1993 to 5/5/2000. what should be the total pension in this period.
    i think i could not get right pension in that period accorindgly. please write to me

  6. my father retired from Indian Navy in 1985, after few joined iit, he died in 1997, for pension my mother was asked to take only one either, she opted iit.
    Now the dual pension is started, please guide the scenario.
    Praveen Kumar



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