Friday, December 1, 2017


Dear Veteran brothers,
During our  interactions with our visiting Veterans , we came to know that many of them are of the view that,
After discharge/ Release from Military , there is no Link between Record Offices and the Pensioners.  THIS IS INCORRECT .

The Link between Veterans and Record office  continues till our death  and further continues  with our Family members also- Wife and eligible children
Sons and Daughters become eligible for pension after the Demise of both the Parents.

Sons up to the age of 25 yrs or Marriage which ever is early
For Handicapped  sons for life.
Daughters:  Unmarried / Divorced / Deserted / Widow   till marriage  and for
Handicapped  for life.

Our Prime duty is to inform the occurrences to Record office., that is
          Marriage after discharge from service.
  1. Birth of children after discharge from service
  2. Death of wife  /   Divorce with first wife.
  3. Second Marriage.  ( Second Marriage when First Wife is alive is VOID)
  4. Change of Religion
  5. Change of Name of Self and wife – by Gazette notification
  6. Latest, Aadhar Card,  PAN card. and address.
And we should  obtain Part II order published  for all the occurrences.

Without Part II order we can not avail the facilities like Scholarship , Family pension and Priority for Government Jobs / Allotments., Marriage Grand for Daughters etc..

NOTE: Still some of our Pre- 1985 veterans have not applied for Endorsement of Family pension due to Ignorance. If any, please do it immediately  to avoid mental agony and financial Hardships to our Wife after our Demise.

Those who have applied , please confirm the Joint Notification is received by way of a PPO . 
  like S/ JN/……/year    etc.  Other wise write to RO again for confirmation
Take this matter as a serious one.

Dear Veteran brothers and our ESM Associations are requested to please  covey this message to all our Veterans and families  and guide them suitably..

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...