Saturday, April 9, 2022




Dear veteran bothers, 

We have already published  about the importance of Joint account, but still many of our veterans  have not included their spouse name in their pension account .

We are once again advising  all our veterans  to have joint account  of their pension account.

  Government has issued instructions  to all Central Government  pensioners  to convert the Single Pension account  in to Joint account  with their spouse vide their letter no: CPAO/ Tech/ Amendments/Sch.Book/ 2005-06/ 69 dated 09-05-2005.  

Our Trust also advised  our Military veterans  and most of them have converted  their individual account to Joint account with their spouse.

The Joint account avoids the hardship of the widows after the death of their husband .  It is easy  to draw family pension  with out delay.

If there is no Joint Account , the widow has to establish the right to receive the pension and open a separate  account in her name which involves a lengthy procedure  there by  delay in getting family pension.

A practical Hardship faced by a widow  for information of all:

One Officer  in Income Tax Department , say  Mr.Ramnath , Married  with  Miss.  S.Muthu Lakshimi-  She was called by nick name Lakshimi.

The Officer, got it registered  his  marriage with  his department , Service Records -with the name of his wife  as R.Lakashimi.

His wife is also employed in Tamil Nadu Govt. School.

Her name in Birth certificate, Aadhar card, Pan Card and  School employment  is  S.Muthu Lakshimi.

Now, she got retirement , opened a Bank account  with the Name as S.Muthu Lakshimi  and received the PPO as  S.Muthu Lakshimi and receiving pension .

In the mean time, the Income Tax Officer also got retirement , opened a Single account in his name , received the PPO where his wife name is  mentioned as R.Lakshimi.

Both the husband wife  were having their account in the same Bank. 

Unfortunately  after few years, the  IT Officer expired.

Now, the widow  informed the death  to the Bank and department  and requested them to convert her Husband  pension to family pension  in her favour as there is Joint Notification. 

Now, the Bank authorities  turned down the application  stating that , the Name in the PPO is R.Lakshimi , where as the name of claimant in her account is S.Muthu Lakshimi.

 Hence,  we can not convert in to Family pension-

The Widow wrote to Income Tax Department.  They said that, the PPO cannot be altered.  You approach the bank  only.

 It is more than 2  year  passed , no pension is credited to this widow. This is the situation- Hardship  She is above 80yrs of age.

 If the Officer  had opened a Joint Account , the discrepancy would have been rectified during his life time  and  the widow  would have got her pension in time. 

Now,  we have advised the widow,  to publish her name in Government Gazette, News paper  , prepare an Affidavit for  DUAL name, i.e  S.Muthu Lakshimi and R. Lakshimi is one and same person  and then convert  the existing Bank account  with  DUAL name as  S.Muthu Lakshimi  @ R.Lakshimi and receive the family pension. 

These are the Hardships will be there if there is no Joint account. 

We request all our veterans  to covert their single pension account  into joint account if not done.

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