Wednesday, May 6, 2020



                                        ASSURED  CARREER PROGRESSION  RULE.
                                   (GOI. Min.P-PG  No: 35034/1/97-Estt(D)  dated  09-08-1999 )
                                           HONORARY RANKS – ANOMALY

What is ACP and how it is arrived for our service personnel.
What is the Qualification service is required to get ACP.
If some one is not getting promotion  after  certain length of service, he may be given  the benefit of ACP with certain conditions..
The period may be  8yrs  / 12 yrs / 16/24 yrs.etc
ACP means, he may be fixed with next higher Rank’s Grade  pay/ pension.

In practical cases,  we know that  Havildars  with QS of 22 or 24 and above are  given ACP-1.  During the tenure , then Hony.Nb.Sub after discharge,
 Is the same benefit is given to other  two services , i.e Air force and navy.

Earlier, the Havildars  were granted with Hony.Nb. sub after discharge from service say 22 , 24 & 26 yrs..
In the  starting , they were given  an amount of Rs.45,  then from 1-1-1991  revised as 100- and from  V th CPC it was 226 a fixed rate for all Groups and irrespective of length of service.
 Then  as per CDA cirs 430 and 501 ,555,  it is according to the Group  and  length of service  with Hony.nb sub Rank..
Then,  as per CDA cir 415, the post -2006  Hony.Nb.Sub may  be fixed with the pension of Regular  Nb.Sub. Though the rank will remain as Hony.Nb.sub.

Due to this act,  some of the  Pre-2006 Hony.Subs went to Court for the same benefit and got favourable verdict.

Here, we  want to say that  HONORARY  Rank is given for Honouring  for the good work done .
  It is only Honour  and not for paying  the higher Rank’s pension.
Also this Rank is given after Discharge/ retirement.
This benefit is not extended to Air Force- Sergeant  and Navy  Petty Officers..

Here, for example,   Take a case of a Pre- 2006  Junior Warrant Officer  of Air force, who was promoted  to this Rank  after going through  the promotional procedures.
He held the Rank for say 6 months  and was discharged on completion of Term of engagement. He was sanctioned  with a pension for the Rank of SGT only, the Lower Rank. Because he was not holding the Rank for 10/7 months . He was holding  the Substantive Rank, received Pay and allowances for the Rank.
On discharge, he was not paid with JWO pension.
He should have been granted  with  Hony. Rank of JWO after discharge like  Havildars  or pensioned for the JWO Rank.
After 6th CPC,  all ranks,  if held even less than 10 months are being paid for the last Rank held.
In the same way,  JCOs are granted with Hony. Officers Rank , like Hony. Lt and Hony Flying Officer and Hony. Sub Lt. while in service ,, being paid with Pay & allowance , and sanctioned pension on retirement for same Rank..
Some of them are again  granted with Hony .Captain after  retirement but no pension for that Rank.
Some Subedars/ Sub.Majors are also granted with  Hony.Capt after retirement  but  no pension for Hony.Rank, being paid for JCO rank only..

WHY such discrimination.

Havildars , after discharge, granted with Hony.nb.sub  , sanctioned with pension for the Hony rank.   Why not the  Hony officer  granted Hony ranks after retirement be sanctioned with pension..
 We are not against the benefit of Havildars,  but we need  equal benefits to all Hony Ranks after retirement. Rule should be same  for all.

We request  all our ESM organizations to  view this DISCRIMINATION   and take up the issue with the appropriate authorities  for removing this ANOMALY.

Affected  Hony. Officers are also requested  to move the issue for getting the benefit..

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...