Tuesday, December 15, 2015


We had earlier published  about the same subject in our blog .

Due to the hardships faced by the Widows/ NOKs  in obtaining  LTA  certificate, we are once again  publishing the same for information of veterans.

Cases like,  pensioner died some where 1986 , was drawing pension through treasury. Now, when  the widow applied  for DUAL family pension , LTA is one of the documents required.  Whe she approaches the Treasury , they say there is no document available, hence cannot issue LTA..When this is informed to Record office and CDA, they insist for an Affidavit , thus making the widows to run pillar to post. 
A certificate as per CDA cir 476 is also not considered.

In our opinion, obtaing of LTA may be waived,  getting the un drawn amount is the interest of NOK, why should we compel them,.

Our Welfare Trust  requests  all the ESM organisation to think over and try to convince the authorities for waiver.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Life Time Arrears is the amount of pension for the period it was not drawn during the life time of the deceased pensioner. This amount is payable to the Nominee if already nominated .
Otherwise, it is to be paid to the Legal Heirs on production of Legal heir ship Certificate from Tashildar and observing the required formalities . It is paid by the PDA. However, the time barred claims will be settled by the Pension Sanctioning Authority.
When a fresh Family pension Claim is preferred , this LTA certificate is one of the Documents for processing the family pension. Obtaining the LTA certificate from the Pension Paying Agencies, that is the Bankers, is not that easy. There is a lot of procedures to be followed , including obtaining a certification from Notary Public, thus incurring expenditures, and time consuming, there by delay .
As the meaning of LTA , is the undrawn pension, which can be paid by the PDA on claim at any time, or need not be claimed if the amount is meager.
Why should it be linked the LTA as one of the documents for Claiming Fresh Family pension.
Is there any Legal implication, we feel there is no legal problems.
This is to be debated/ dicussed by all the Major Ex-Servicemen Associations . Efforts may be made for waiver of obtaining LTA , thus relieving hardship to the poor widows..
MOD and CDA may consider this as a special issue.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...