Sunday, March 29, 2015



The steps,  anomalies, remedies  under gone-

The rate of pension of a Sgt. Was Rs.1732 as per Vth CPC  w.e.f 1-1-1996.

It was improved by CDA cir 350  as Rs.  ..1892.. w.e.f 1-1-2006.  Plus

DA merger of 50%  i.e DP  (1-4-2004)….    946.00


                                                                        2838.00  w.e.f 1-1-2006.

Then  it was revised as  Rs.4277/-per VIth CPC  -CDA cir 397…..dt.28-11-2008.

There were 2 Annexures     I  and Annex-III

Annexure –I    was a consolidation   and  Annexure-III was calculated on the min.of new payscale. (  5200-20200)
The consolidation was calculate as :

a.     EP……………….1892.00

b.     DP…………….     946.00



c. DA @ 24 %........     682.00

d. 40% of a for

     fixation ………..       757.00


                       Total. .4277.00-  as per Annexure-I  of Cir 397.

As the rate as per Annexure III for the rank, group & QS was less, the Annexure- I was  taken as per CDA cir 403. And effected.

Again,  for reducing the gap between Pre-2006  and Post 2006 pensioners  another revision  was done   - This is  by taking   50%   of the  Max.Pay in the Pay band  as per Air Force -   SAFI / IS of 2008   ( 4670-858-5945)   and Grade pay +MSP + X group pay.      This is Cir 430 effective from 1-7-2009.

Thus the calculation was :

 5945 x 1.86= 11060 +2800+200+1400= 17260/2   x 15+6/33 =5492.

This rate is arrived for the rank of Sgt- Gp-I , 15yrs Qs with 6 yrs weight age as per CDA cir 430 Table No; 111…………………………(1)

Here it was noticed that as per this circular,  the Rate of pension for the Rank of  LAC , Gp-I, 15yrs QS was Rs.5519/- as per Table- 102.  Weight age- 10yrs.

LAC:   Pay range- ( 4025-60-4925 )

Calculation:     4925 x 1.86=9170+2000+2000+1400=14570/2  x 15+10/33=5519.

This is more than  a Corporal and Sgt ‘s pension.

This anomaly was brought to the notice  and  another Circular  482 was issued

to step up the pension to the higher level  i.e pension of Cpl  and Sgt to 5519/-(2)

Now the latest  cir 501 . Here the Pay range of  Post 10-10-1997  ( 5000-6500) is taken for calculation :  Ref Cir 471 also. Weight age – 15+8 yrs.

Thus the calculation:

Max,of scale= 6500  x 1.86= 12090 +2800+200+1400=18290/2 x 15+8/33=6374.

This is as per Table No.17 of Cir 501  with effect from 24-9-2012.

This is the latest position.     Each rank will have such calculations.

Ref: CDA circulars,- 350, 397,  403, 430, 471, 482 and 501.

This is not the end ,  we have,

1.       One Rank One Pension

2.     Pension from 1-12006  instead of 24-9-2012

3.      And again, the min, 50%  of emolument  w.e .f.  1-1-2006 ., full pension, AND 
 no pro rata.

We do not know where we are going to land. 

        ALAS-  “ ENDLESS”.


  1. As per me they done the payment of circular no 501 just applied the table no 22 years service for the 20 years of service .Not at all changed any thing and not broken their head at all . now all so you can feel that they may take same principle like cir no 501 22 years /24 years table to be fitted with 20 years sgt /jwo etc if it is merging x and y group give all the x groups Sgts same payment to the all .like this some practical equation we can expect .or one recommendations is circulating in the net they want they can do that also , any how anomalies will be there and one more agitations at Jandharmander we can expect .
    and further more circular no 501 is effected from 01.01.2006 , so all y group Sgt may get 47860 /and x group Sgt may get 57800 as a arrears .
    And desability pension from 20 % is to be brought to 30 % that menas 702 is changed to 1053 and its da ( even though ,it is not meeting the auto fare to MH to house )that is going to give you as a disability pension .
    All ready minister says 80% happiness only he is expecting from this so called OROP .
    what more you can expect from the Goverment .

    1. Thank you sir for your comments.
      Let us hope for the best.
      Exwel trust.

  2. Sir,

    I have retired as Hav Gp B(now Y) on 5 Jan 1980 with 16 years one month service. I was given Rs 175/- pension initially, now drawing Rs 5531/- from 24 Sep 2012. I have been given approx Rs 12,500/-. This I found that they have allowed me minimum guaranteed pension given in PCDA(P) Circular No 547 minus pension as on 1.1.2006. How minimum guaranteed pension is worked out is not known as same amount is given to Sepoy, Naik and Hav for services from 15 to 20 years. I fail to understand how this is correct. I fear how they are going to fix my pension in OROP. I feel that fixation in 7th cpc will be more beneficial as they take into consideration of 7th cpc pay fixation.

  3. Sir,
    Please publish a blog listing the payscales of pensioners from 3 rd CPC of the PBORs to till 7 th CPC.



 Today  17-12-2024  is  PENSIONERS DAY. we, the Exwel trust members   on the occasion of  pensioners day, "WISH YOU ALL THE PENSIONERS ...