Tuesday, April 23, 2013


             KNOW ABOUT -

Liberalised family pension  (LFP)  will be sanctioned to the Next of Kin of a PBOR  who is killed in WAR or WAR like activities ie. Died during the following occasions:

a)  In action in international war
b) Action against deployment with peace keeping mission abroad.
c) Boarder skirmishes
d) During laying  or clearance of mines including those laid by enemy.
e) in action against hostile, militants, en route to operational areas.
f) killed by militants after kidnapping

Liberalised Family Pension came in to existence from 01-02-1972 onwards.

PPOs for Liberalised Family Pension will bear the Nos as:

F / BC SERIES.      BC stands for Battle Casualty.
Eg.  F/BC/ 123/1982,  F/ WAR/ 123/1982   ,some times F/ TI/ 123/1982 etc.

The award is granted to spouse first, and after the her death it goes to children seniority wise.  If the PBOR was not survived with wife or children, then it is granted to mother as first recipient.

The Rate of LFP is the last pay drawn by the deceased :

For example
A Sepoy ,  Group- D .  LFP  was Rs.2920 as per Vth PC, CDA cir 282
As per VI th PC,  CDA cir 456 it is 9200. ( 5200+200+2000=9200)

Note:  If the first recipient dies with in 7 yrs from the date of death of PBOR, then the Second awardees will be paid at the same rate till the period of 7 yrs completed, then the rate will be reduced.

The LFP is granted for the benefits of the entire family members. If the widow does not support her mother in law, then the competent authorities may divide the pension in such a as deemed fit..

If the first recipient  ( other than parents dies, the LFP will be granted to the eligible beneficiary as Second Award at the rate of 60% of the first award.  i.e at present :   First award= 9200.
    Second+ 9200 X 60%=  5520.
We understand that still many LFP are being paid only Ordinary family pension by the PDAs , not knowing the category and Rate.

This LFP is further revised as per the latest CDA cir 503.
Now The Rate is calculated on Rank, Group and length of service.;

For example:
A Sepoy-   Group-Y        Qly.Ser: 8 yrs       Died in War like activity:

His  Spouse/mother will get a Liberalised Family pension  of Minimum of Rs.10250/  as per Table 11 of CDA cir 503 with effect from 24-9-2012.
  It was 9200 earlier
Likewise , it varies for each Liberalised family pensioners according to Rank, Group and length of service of the deceased.

The affected LFP can represent the case to your respective PDA for revision.

Ref: 282,  456,  503 .

Dear veteran brothers, please help the  affected  innocent, illiterate widows  in your areas.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...