Tuesday, April 30, 2013




The Pre-1-4-1968 reservists had the option of either to :

1)  Opt for pension at the rate of Rs.10/- per month

2)  Opt for a Lump Sum gratuity of Rs. 750/- in lieu of pension.

Most of the reservists  opted for Lump Sum , because they felt that Rs.10/- per month was too less compared to the Lump Sum gratuity of Rs.750/- at that time.

Latyer on, the lump sum optees made  representation to Government for grant of pensionary benefits.  The Govt. was kind enough to sanction monthly Ex-Gratia payment for Reservists and their families.

The condition for Ex-gratia payment was , that they should have:
1)  Opted for lump Sum gratuity of pension.
2)  Has not availed the benefits of rehabilitation assistance granted by Govt
3)  Are not in receipt of any other pension.
4) They should refund the Gratuity amount with interest for getting Ex-gratia pension.

The families were sanctioned this pension first with effect from 01-01-1992 and latter on the reservists were sanctioned  from 01-11-1997. Dearness allowance  and Dearness pay is also admissible.

The present Rate of pension admissible to such personnel with effect from 1-7-2012 is as follows:

                                 Reservists.         Families

Basic Pension…        600.00      Basic……..605.00
Dearness pension…    300.00    DP………..  303.00
DA at 151%...........  1359.00    DA 143%   1299.00      
                    Total   2259.00     Total……  2207.00

RATE OF DA FROM 1-1-2010  for reference:
January to Jun 2010 ……   87%         -            79
July to Dec 2010                103           -            95
Jan to June 2011                115         -             107
July to Dec 2011                127         -             119
Jan to  June2012                139         -             131
Jul to Dec 2012                  151         -             143.
Jan to Jun 2013   not yet announced
Note: Ex-Gratia pensioners
1) not eligible for Fixed medical Allowance
2) not eligible for Additional pension
3) they ca ant apply for endorsement of family pension
4) Part II order should have been published for marriage
5) Widow has to apply for family pension after the demise of the reservist

(  Ref: CDA cir 278  )   

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Veteran Muthu Ramasamy with our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah.


One veteran called on us for verifying the correctness of his pension.
Name: Muthu Ramasamy   Rank: Sepoy   Regt.No: 13815788
PPO.No: S/ 2381/ 1979
PDA: Canara bank, Srivaikuntam, Tuticorin-Dist, TN.

On going through the PPO and the pass book entries  it was confirmed that he is being paid correct Rate of pension  except  as per CDA cir 501.

As he was a 1984 retiree, there was  no Joint Notification.

We explained him the importance of Joint Notification in favour his wife.
We advised him to apply for Endorsement of family pension immediately .
He was very happy of this information and promised to come with all the required particulars with in two day.
Today , 25-4-2013 he came to our Trust office, with all the required particulars.  We prepared the Appendix-I and Annexure-II ,in Triplicate , got it signed by him and his wife.  We guided him to forward the same to his record Office   AMC (MT) after getting attested and signed by the PDA.

The poor veteran thanked us for such a guidance and help.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


             KNOW ABOUT -

Liberalised family pension  (LFP)  will be sanctioned to the Next of Kin of a PBOR  who is killed in WAR or WAR like activities ie. Died during the following occasions:

a)  In action in international war
b) Action against deployment with peace keeping mission abroad.
c) Boarder skirmishes
d) During laying  or clearance of mines including those laid by enemy.
e) in action against hostile, militants, en route to operational areas.
f) killed by militants after kidnapping

Liberalised Family Pension came in to existence from 01-02-1972 onwards.

PPOs for Liberalised Family Pension will bear the Nos as:

F / BC SERIES.      BC stands for Battle Casualty.
Eg.  F/BC/ 123/1982,  F/ WAR/ 123/1982   ,some times F/ TI/ 123/1982 etc.

The award is granted to spouse first, and after the her death it goes to children seniority wise.  If the PBOR was not survived with wife or children, then it is granted to mother as first recipient.

The Rate of LFP is the last pay drawn by the deceased :

For example
A Sepoy ,  Group- D .  LFP  was Rs.2920 as per Vth PC, CDA cir 282
As per VI th PC,  CDA cir 456 it is 9200. ( 5200+200+2000=9200)

Note:  If the first recipient dies with in 7 yrs from the date of death of PBOR, then the Second awardees will be paid at the same rate till the period of 7 yrs completed, then the rate will be reduced.

The LFP is granted for the benefits of the entire family members. If the widow does not support her mother in law, then the competent authorities may divide the pension in such a as deemed fit..

If the first recipient  ( other than parents dies, the LFP will be granted to the eligible beneficiary as Second Award at the rate of 60% of the first award.  i.e at present :   First award= 9200.
    Second+ 9200 X 60%=  5520.
We understand that still many LFP are being paid only Ordinary family pension by the PDAs , not knowing the category and Rate.

This LFP is further revised as per the latest CDA cir 503.
Now The Rate is calculated on Rank, Group and length of service.;

For example:
A Sepoy-   Group-Y        Qly.Ser: 8 yrs       Died in War like activity:

His  Spouse/mother will get a Liberalised Family pension  of Minimum of Rs.10250/  as per Table 11 of CDA cir 503 with effect from 24-9-2012.
  It was 9200 earlier
Likewise , it varies for each Liberalised family pensioners according to Rank, Group and length of service of the deceased.

The affected LFP can represent the case to your respective PDA for revision.

Ref: 282,  456,  503 .

Dear veteran brothers, please help the  affected  innocent, illiterate widows  in your areas.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Air veteran Christopher Selvaraj Samuel  with his daughter

 Confirmation of correct rate  of pension.

On hearing the services of our Welfare Trust, one aged Air  veteran came to our office for verifying the correctness of his pension.

Name: Christopher Selvaraj Samuel
Rank: Sergeant      Gp-II     Discharged in 1969.
PPO.No: S/ 8326/1969    DOB- 14-8-1930.
PDA: Canara bank,  Nazareth, Tuticorin-Dist.

On verifying the available documents, we confirmed that he is being paid  correct Rate of pension including Additional pension of 20%.

We came to know that , his wife expired   and he is looked after  by his daughter who is also a handicapped and Un-married.  We also confirmed that  POR is published regarding birth of his daughter.
We guided him about the eligibility of his daughter after his demise.

Both the father and daughter were very happy of this information and thanked us for such a help by the Trust to Ex-Servicemen community.

Saturday, April 20, 2013



Government issued orders on 17.01.2013 to revise the pensions of Defence pensioners and Family pensioners w.e.f. 24.09.2012 with instructions to pay immediately.

Now it is more than 3 months passed, most of the Banks have not revised the pension and paid any arrears.  The poor defence pensioners are very eagerly waiting.  But the banks are silent on the issue. This attitude of the Banks is totally unacceptable.  A delay of one month or two months can be accepted, but not more than three months.  Whatever may be the reason, the Banks cannot justify the delay without paying legitimate compensation to the pensioners as per RBI guidelines on the subject.

In the circumstances, it will be proper for the Banks to pay delayed interest/Compensation as per RBI and CDA (P) Allahabad instructions.  As a matter of fact, the delayed interest is to be paid by the Banks without any request or claim from the pensioners.  Will the Banks pay ?  If not, the RBI (Banking Ombudsman ) should take up the matter for payment of compensation.

For the information of the pensioners, we have calculated the minimum amount of Interest payable by the Banks for various ranks from Oct 2012 to Mar 2013 for 6 months at Recurring Deposit rate of interest @ 8% p.m.

A Sepoy of Y Group with 15 years service will have to be paid Rs.121 interest.
A Naik of Y Group with 17 years service will have to be paid Rs.128 interest.
A Havildar of Y Group with 20 years service will have to be paid Rs.186 interest.
A Hon. Lt. with 28 years of service will have to be paid Rs.476 interest.
A Hon. Capt. With 28 years of service will have to be paid Rs.556 interest.
The Defence Family Pensioners should be paid the following rates of interest.
A widow of Hav. 20 yrs. Y Group will have to be paid Rs.90 interest.
A widow of Nb.Sub 20 yrs. Y Group will have to be paid Rs.84 interest.
A widow of Subedar 24 Yrs. Y Group. Will have to be paid Rs.426 interest.
A widow of Sub. Maj. 28 yrs. Y Group will have to be paid Rs.615 interest.
A widow of Hon.Lt. 28 yrs. Will have to be paid Rs.286 interest.
A widow of Hon. Capt. 28 yrs. Will have to be paid Rs.334 interest.

Suppose if the Bank is not paying, every pensioner should submit an application to the Pension Paying Branch to pay Interest.  A SPECIMEN OFTHE APPLICATION IS GIVEN.  PLEASE CLICKHERE.



 Trust members donating  Carom board-  Two inmates receiving .
 One more board received by another two inmates
 Our Managing Trustee Sgt.R.Chellapa is demonstrating  , how to play  the game.
 Managing Trustee watching the inmates playing Caraom board.
 Our members watching  the inmates  busy with the carom board game.
Our Trustee Sgt.C.Muthukrishnan and veteran Jaya paul are giving instructions how to use the coins , powder  and the rule of play. 

Our Trust members visited an old age Home  -“ SHALOM  OLD AGE HOME” on 20-4-2013, at  Plalyamkottai, Tiruneveli...

During our previous visits, we supplied them with Mats, Hand Fans Mosquito repellents,  and washing and Toilet soaps.

Now , we donated them with TWO CAROM BOARDS   for their Recreation.

The aged inmates were immensely pleased  of our gesture of this donation and performed   prayer for the good health and long life of the Trust members to serve for a very long period.

Our Managing Trustee Sgt.R.Chellappa  and the Administrator of the Home , 

Veteran Jayapaul  guided the old ladies how to play this game. 

We could watch the happiness on their face.  

Veteran Jaya Paul and the inmates sincerely thanked us for this very useful item for their Recreation.

Our Trust  is very much happy to witness the happiness in their faces  and satisfied in offering this useful item.

Friday, April 19, 2013


பென்சன் அரியர் வழங்க ஏன் 
இந்த தாமதம்?

இராணுவ பென்சனர்கள் அனைவரும் அமைதியாக பல வேண்டுகோள்கள் விடுத்தும், வங்கிகள் இன்னும் மேம்படுத்தப்பட்ட பென்ஷனை வழங்கவில்லை.  ஏன் இந்த தாமதம்  பென்சனர்கள் வங்கிகள் முன் போராட்டம் நடத்த வேண்டும் என்று நினைகிரார்களா ?

தாமதத்திற்கு வங்கிகள் முறையாக நஷ்ட ஈடு கொடுக்க வேண்டும். அதுதான் ஒரு நல்ல நிர்வாகத்துக்கு அழகு.

தாமதமின்றி உரிய நேரத்தில் இந்த கூடுதல் பென்சன் தொகையை மாதாமாதம் அதே வங்கியில் ஒரு பென்சனர் முதலீடு செய்திருந்தால் அதற்க்கு கீழ் கண்ட விகிதத்தில் வட்டி கிடைத்திருக்கும்.

15 ஆண்டு y குருப் சிப்பாய் மார்ச்  2013 முடிய ரூ. 121 வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.
17 ஆண்டு y குருப் நாயக்    மார்ச்  2013 முடிய ரூ. 128 வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.        
20 ஆண்டு y குருப் ஹவில்தார் மார்ச்  2013 முடிய ரூ. 186  வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.            
28 ஆண்டு ஆனரரி லெப்டினன்ட்  2013 முடிய ரூ. 476  வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.      
28 ஆண்டு ஆனரரி கேப்டன்   2013  முடிய 556  வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.

குடும்ப பென்சனர்களுக்கு இதை விட கூடுதல் வட்டி கிடைக்கும்.

எனவே வங்கிகள் நியாயமான முறையில், பென்சனர் கேட்காமலே இந்த வட்டியை வழங்குவது தான் நல்ல வங்கிக்கு அழகு.  செய்வார்களா ?
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Sincere thanks to Indianexserviceman blog. Ungalvalikatti.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Smt.R.Sellathai  W/O late G.Ramasamy   with her father at our trust office.

We came to know that one widow pensioner is being paid Normal Rate of family pension instead of Enhanced Rate of family pension.

Name; Smt.Sellathai   W/O Late: G.Ramasamy    Regt.No: 14290594 Y
Rank: Nk, Gp- A.  Date of Death of pensioner: 27-7-2012.
PPO.No: S/ 015827/1994.   PDA:  Indian Bank,  Kovilpatti- Tuticorin-Dist. TN
She is eligible for Enhanced Rate ; 7506/- with effect from 24-9-2012 but being paid at the Rate of Rs.3500/- only.

We have now reported the discrepancy to PDA and their CPPC at Chennai for Revision and payment of Correct rate of Enhanced Rate.

The widow along with her father thanked our Trust for such a valuable  help to the widow pensioners.


Central cabinet approves 8% hike in DA for central Govt.Employees and pensioners .

DA rate is enhanced from 72%  to  80% with effect from  01-01-2013.

The change may be effected in this month pension itself.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


                                      widow pensioners.

The Enhanced rate of ordinary family pension for the widows of Pre- 2006 retirees ,  died after 1-1-2006,  as per VI th Pay commission was not on Parity with V th Pay Commission so far. , that is,  50% of emolument or the pension of the deceased which ever is less.

The instructions , circulars and the provision  was to calculate/ consolidate  the Enhanced Rate as per original PPO:

A Naik,   Group- D, 17.5 yrs of service , discharged on 1-6-1992  ,
 DOB: 21-5-1955-------    Pension sanctioned – Rs.450.    His DOB-21-5-1955.
He died in 24-11-2010.
As per the original PPO , the Enhanced Rate of family pension= 450

As per the existing order, this rate is to be consolidated as per CDA cir 397.
i.e=  Rs.450  consolidated as rs.1396 as on 1-1-1996 and the same was consolidated as 1396 / 2094 = 3500 as on 1-1-2006.
This is the rate of Enhanced rate for a period of 7 yrs  . and she is being paid as such.  It is  not less than 30% of the minimum emolument  i.e
5200+2000+2000= 9200 X 30%= 2880.    So,  it is stepped up to 3500/-It is as good as normal family pension and not a Enhanced rate.

All the ESM organizations were keep on representing this anomaly  in various platforms for a long time.  This was agreed by Government and  order was issued for 50% of emolument for Civilian  pensioners.

Now it is extended to Defence services also.  It is a good news .
As per CDA cir 494 dated 19-3-2013, the 50% formula is applied to pre-2006 retiree but on minimum of pay band.

Illustration:    For the same above example:

Nk- Gp- D     17.5 yrs     died in 24-11-2010------
Emolument= 5200+2400+2000= 9600           
50% of this will be  the rate of Enhanced family pension
i.e ….9600 X 50%= 4800  this will the ERFP  w.e.f  25-11-2010  in this particular case. And it is up to
 23-9-2012 only.
Form 24-9-2012 as per  CDA cir 502,Table-1,  it is further revised as 5671.

The affected Families may approach your PDA for effecting the change.

Veterans are requested to help the affected families in your areas.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Some of the Special family pensioners.


 Will be denoted by  : eg.  F/ 234/1999-   (Only ‘F’)

There are Two types.

1.      Special Family pension- 
2.      Special Family pension Second Award.  This is 50% of first award.

Special Family pension is sanctioned to the Next of Kin of the PBOR whose death is attributed to  or aggravated to Military service conditions. It may occur during service or after discharge from service.

Special Family pension is also granted when a Disability pensioner dies before or within  7 yrs of discharge/ Invalidment, subject to fulfillment of certain conditions- Death due to accident or suicide after discharge is not eligible. 

If a disability FOR LIFE-PENSIONER ‘S death occurs after discharge,  the  NOK has to intimate the cause of death with Medical/ postmortem report to Record office and claim for Special Family pension. The RO will forward the claim to CDA and the Sanctioning authorities will sanction Special Family pension if the conditions are fulfilled otherwise only ordinary family pension..

Special Family pension is calculated at uniform Rate of 60% of reckonable emolument  subject to a minimum of Rs.2550 w.e.f 1-1-96 and Rs.7000/ w.e.f 1-1-2006.(CDA cir 282 and 410,456) This rate varies according to Rank and Group. It is granted for life.

Now as per CDA cir 503, this is also calculated on the basis of Rank, Group and length of service.  Hence, all the SF pensioners have to verify whether they being correctly paid  as per cir 503.

The Special family pension is granted to Spouse first, then eligible child in the same Rate, and after these  both , it is granted to the Dependent Parent as  second award.  In case if there is no spouse or child , the first award will go to the Mother as first award, then father..

NOTE: Special Family pension is granted for the benefit of Entire family. Therefore, if the recipient does not support other dependant family members, the competent Authorities may at their discretion divide the Special Family pension in such a Ratio as deemed fit.

For example:
If the widow in receipt of SFP, does not support the dependent Mother-in Law, the competent authority  after through enquiry may divide the SFP between the widow and the Mother-in Law in the Ratio of 50 : 50 .  Then , after the death of mother-in-Law, the 50 will be restored back to the widow.

Re-marriage of widow will not be a disqualification  and the widow will continue to be the recipient of Special Family pension, provided she supports  the Child/ Children born to veteran, the previous marriage.

Second Life award of Special Family pension is sanctioned to the Parents of PBOR, i.e  after the death of original recipient  and in the absence of  eligible Children . There after,   it will go to the eligible brothers/ Sisters  up to certain period as per rule. The claimant has to represent the case . This has to be sanctioned by the Pension Sanctioning Authority , the CDA.

The Rate of Second award of SFP is 50 % of the first award. Eg. If the first award was 2550, second award is 1275  and if  7000, then the second will be 3500/-.
For Rates of Special Family pension for different ranks and Groups (PBOR).

The  widow is eligible for pension even after Re-Marriage provided she looks after the children/ children from previous marriage.

Please  refer -  now  CDA cir 503   with effect from 24-9-2012.
(Ref.CDA cir 282,   410,  456  )
For full details you can visit: www.pcdapension.nic.in.

Dear veteran brothers,  please help those eligible SFP in your areas.


 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...