Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hony.Nb.Sub.Pitchai is discussing with our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.kanthiah.

On hearing the services of our Trust, one Hony.Nb.Sub called on us to confirm the correctness of his pension.

Name: TK.Pitchai No: 1148130 Rank: Hony.Nb.Sob Gp- ‘D’
PPO.No: S/ 41855/ 79
PDA: I O B, Thenmali, Tirunelveli-Dist, TN.

On going through his pass book entries, we confirmed that he is being paid correct Rate of pension for the Rank of H.Nb.Sub.

On casual enquiry regarding the status of his family, we came to know that one of his daughters is a Widow, looked after by him. He was not aware that Widow daughter is eligible for pension after demise of parents. He was also not aware whether Part II order has been published for his daughter even though the daughter was born during his service period at Hyderabad.

We have now requested the ARTY Record Office for confirmation of Part II order for his daughter on his behalf.

The aged veteran was very much pleased with our service and the thanked us for such a valuable information.

1 comment:

  1. My sister is a widow. My father was an Ex serviceman. Is she eligible for my father's pension after my mother's death. My mail id is nandinisatyan@yahoo.com
    Hony. Nb.Sub. T.S.Sathyanarayanan



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...