Saturday, August 6, 2011


  Smt.Vallithai (centre) with her daughter  thanking our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah.

We noticed in the Pension Mela held at Radhapuram, Tirunelveli-Dist, that one Widow, wife of a Nb.Sub was being paid less than a Sepoy pension.

Particulars :
Name: Smt.Vallithai W/O Late Nb.Sub. Thavasimuthu Muthupandi
Reg.No: JC 158486W, Group-D, RO. Arty Nasik Road Camp.
PPO.No: S/CORR/163136/87
PDA: I.O.B.Vijaya Narayanam, Tirunelveli-Dist. TN.

On scrutinizing the pension and other papers, it was confirmed that She was wife of a Nb.Sub, Gp-D and eligible for a Basic pension of Rs.4650/- w.e.f 1-1-2006 as per CDA cir 397, Annexure-III. We also confirmed the same from Arty Record Office. But she is being paid a total of 3459/-only as on 27-7-2011.

We reported the discrepancy to the PDA and their Regional Office and CPPC at Chennai for immediate correction. The Manager accepted our findings and agreed to revise the pension in this month itself.

Smt.Vallithai along with her daughter came to our office and expressed their sincere thanks for this help,

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