Saturday, April 3, 2021



Our veterans are receiving EPPO from RO / PCDA / CGDA/  JT CDA ( AF ). 

There are  lots of Discrepancies in each EPPO,  like incorrect Group, no DOB of spouse, No details of  Enhanced Rate of family pension , no Last drawn pay,  no X group pay  ect.

The main Discrepancy is the Rate of Notional Pay.

Where ever, the Last drawn pay is known, the corresponding Notional Pay is INCORRECTLY arrived with the help of Tables  of CDA cir 608.

 As our veterans  , not knowing the correct Rate of Notional Pay, they approach us  for a help  and guidance.    We  had gone through some of the EPPOs  and found  the mistakes:

 For Example:

Case- 1-A  Sgt.  Group- X,  QS: 20 yrs.  Discharged on  30-4-2005  EPPO.No: 349200511656  -

Original PPO: 08/14/B/10936 /2005    ( Service No: 695989 S)

His last pay drawn …5700.-     Notional Pay …34900 as per  Table no. 13 of   cir 608.

But in the PPO it is mentioned as :  20500  which is less than  the entry level  rate-  the minimum.

Total: 20500+ 5200+6200+240=32140        Pension will be 50%=  32140/2=16070

As per  our knowledge  and opinion   it should be…

LDP…5700     horizontally to right to last column –Notional pay is 34900..  plus

Add  MSP 5200 + X group pay 6200 + Class pay 240   total=   46540             

Pension  will be 50 % of   46540 /2=23270.        See the difference-         23270  and  16070   

The veteran is drawing pension of 9055 2.57= 23272. 

Case No.2

 A   Havildar   Group- Y   QS: 20 yrs  Discharged  in 1987    - PPO:  S/12638/1987 AND  154198700509

Regt,No: 1347494. RO;MEG.

Lat Drawn Pay  1305……NP-  29200  + 5200+200= 34900   pension= 34900/2=17450

But as per Table-  PAGE 168 OF CIR 608=  

LDP-  1305-----NOTIONAL PAY= 35900 +5200+200= 41300   PENSION=  41300/2= 20650

See the difference…….20650  and 17450

At present , the veteran is getting  pension of  7795 X 2.57= 20034  -OROP rate. 

He is being paid less pension  -   20650-20034= 616 is less paid per month.

In some cases  Notional pay is benefit  and most of the cases  OROP cases are beneficial. 

We want to know the correct way of arriving the  Notional Pay by the help of Table as per Cir 608. 

The Record Offices/ PCDA / CGDA  have  taken a lot of time and pain  in preparing the  cir 608  about 217  tables  with the DATAs from cir 585.    But , we find that these Tables are not properly used.

 We, as an ESM Welfare Trust , having dealt with various pension problems, including Revisions  

- as per  CDA circulars  397, 430, 457, 501,502,503,504, 560, 568( De-Link) , 555( OROP)  and 570, 7th CPC.   We also extended our Assistance to some CPPCs. Of nationalized banks in this regard. 

When such is the position, we are sorry to state that, our  ROs/ PCDA / CGDA   JCDA(AF) have not responded  for our Feed back/ submission in this regard.   We approached them for  a guidance  for correct Arrival of Notional Pay with help of Tables of cir 608. 

All our veterans are in the opinion that, the Staffs in PCDA / CGDA and JCDA(AF)  are highly educated, Skilled and well experienced in handling pension matters. 

Now, on going through the EPPOs, we noticed with multiple mistakes/errors  and  we feel  that our opinion is not correct.

We have informed these discrepancies to our ESM organization like Tri Services ESM Assn, IAF Assn and closely associated members.  But no encouraging replies.

This is the position  and our veterans / Family pensioners are facing the confusion. 

In view of the above facts, We, as an ESM Welfare Trust, once again  appeal to  our Authorities –Record Offices, PCDA,  CGDA, JCDA(AF)  to view the matter seriously  and arrange for a corrective mechanism  and proper guidance.






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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...