Tuesday, March 31, 2020


We had published in our Blog on 29-3-2013  about this subject.

We are posting again for the benefits of all our veteran brothers  with some additional information- latest circulars.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Disability pension   orders will be  denoted by :
 D/  012/ year,     D/RA/  012/ year     DE/ corr/ 012/ year.
D  means  disability pension sanctioned  for a particular period say 5,  10 years. After this period, the pensioner has to re appear for Re assessment of Medical board, then the percentage  of Disability element may increase, may remain the same  or it may be reduced  .   Here the PPO  will be denoted as     D/ RA/ 012/ year  for life.     The same is now modified
 as DE / 012/ year  for life .
In earlier times the Rate of percentage was, 20%, 30%, 40% , 50% and so on  up to 100%.
Now it is sanctioned as 50% minimum.
Those who retired prior to 1996 and after 1996  up to 31-12-2005  with Disability pension with the reason for :
Invalided out,        Medically boarded  out , not fit for further military service etc.  Under Clause  13-(iii)
These clause of veterans can apply for Broad banding i.e Rounding of  Disability element.  That is their exiting percentage will be enhanced to :
20 %  to 49%        ……….as 50%
50   to   75%         ………  as 75 %
76%  to 100 %............... as 100 %
Pre-2016 , invalided  Veterans have to send Annexure as per CDA cir 429 duly filled  and signed by the PDA to their Record Office, . After verifying the records, the RO will send the annexure to CDA and the CDA will send the revised PPO enhancing the  Rate of Disability element with effect from 1996/ date of discharge .   It may take 3 to 4 months time.
For  others , the broad banding  w.e.f 1-1-2016  may be done as per CDA cir 596 .
Previously the rate of Disability pension was fixed  for Ranks:
Sepoy  to  Havidar…………..100%  disability ….3510.00
Nb.Sub to Sub.Major……… 100%  disability…………  4300.00
Comm.Officers  andHony. Comm.officers……..  100%  disability….       5880.00   
Now as per the latest circular  456, the Disability pension is calculated on the Emolument last drawn by the pensioner. That is 30% of the emolument will be  100% disability.
For example:
A sepoy of say   X group…  Minimum fitment as per cir 501-         12240/-
100 % disability   will    30% of the emolument   i.e… 12240 X 30%= 3672.
Say   if the Sepoy was sanctioned with say 20% disability  then  it will be  20% of 3672=   735.
Previously it was= fixed rate of 3510 X 20%= 702.    So There is Difference .
Likewise the disability pension will vary for each veteran  according to their Ranks and their emolument.
Note: the disability pension is calculated for the Rank held at the time of discharge.
The affected ESM has to approach the PDA  and get the revised Disability pension or they have to write to their respective Record Office.
After   OROP  it is calculated  at 60% of the pension   for 100% DE.
Then minimum percentage of DE is 50%

hence as per 7 th CPC  it is  OROP rate X 2.57
Example;  Hav  -  group- Y     QS:  20 yrs   DE= 50%
His pension as per OROP=   7795  ( Table 7 of Cir 555)     As per 7th CPC= 7795X 2.57=20034
Disability element   100%  will be   -  60% of pension  - In this case=    20034 X 60%= 12020
Now the Disability percentage is min.50%   .     Here for this HAV it is   12020/ 2=6010
You can compare  with OROP  table -76-----Hav- y 20Yrs   it is 4677  X 2.57= 6010-   SO IT Is OK>
Like wise you can calculate for   any Rank, Group and QS    for different percentage of DE.
  D / DE / D/CORR
The  digital  PPO will be in 16 digits for all
In that first 12 numbers will be PPO and last 4 numbers will indicate the Type of pension

In this case it is  Disability pension -  so the last 4 numbers will be   2100- disability 
  ie. PPOno: 12345679012- 2100

Every veteran will be issued with e-PPO  soon  with 16 numbers.

Sunday, March 29, 2020




We all know that all Banks will insist for Nomination for all  Individual
Deposit accounts ,   SB, Current and Fixed Deposits.

Particularly for Pension accounts, it is very much important.

For Joint Accounts, nomination is not required ,because, there is a condition of payment , Either or Survivor  etc. When one member dies automatically the other is eligible for operations/benefit .  In this case, the survivor  can give Nomination .
That is why  we insist all the pensioners to convert their Pension account to Joint account with their spouse.

For Single account in individual Name , the Nomination is mandatory to avoid hardship  to the NOK/ beneficiary / Legal heir on claiming/ settling the account  like LTA.

There are TWO types of Nomination.

1.      One is for Pension arrears – LTA  in Form “A”  as per Rule-5  ( Nomination Rule- 1983)  and   Payment of Pension Arrears – Rule-1986.
Suppose, the Nominee Pre-deceases the pensioner, then the pensioner can give a Modification of Nomination in Form  “B” (Sub rule- 2) with 2 witnesses,  giving another nominee..
 You can submit  Form- 4 or  5  giving an alternate Nominee in advance  for   Pre-deceased nominee.

2.     The Other  is for payment of Gratuity and other payments-
 Form  “B” Rule-6

 The Nomination is to be submitted in Triplicate and get one copy of   - Acknowledgement  and keep it for proof of Nomination.
Proof  of Nominee’s particulars like Name, DOB and address is necessary.

The Nomination may be made to only one person.

If any of our veteran brothers have not given Nomination still, where the account is in Individual name,  please arrange to give the Nomination  immediately.

Ref: GOI. Deptt. Of P & PW  OM No: 38/32/85 –P7PW  dated 07-01-1986.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


 Dear Veteran brothers,

As there is still cases of NON-Stoppage of FMA is coming to our notice,  we are again POSTING this article  for information .

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Our Ex-Servicemen were enrolled a s member in ECHS from 01-04-2004  onward.
For becoming member, stoppage of FMA certificate from bank is mandatory.
Hence, all the ESM obtained the certificate from their Bank  as Having stopped FMA from so and so month  and joined the scheme from 01-04-2004. ,
Now, we understand that still many ESMs and Families are being paid with FMA.
On verifying  the pension details  for Renewal of ECHS cards to 64 KB,  the
 Non stoppage of FMA is noticed.
The pensioners , particularly Widows not aware whether they are paid with FMA or not.  Similarly, many pensioners also not knowing  this point.
During the Renewal ECHS  cards, we noticed the Non stoppage of FMA . when inquired, they said that they have requested the Bank to stop  FMA  but they are still paying  even after reminding.
When we calculated the FMA paid to few ECHS members , it comes about Rs.50000 plus,  likewise  many are there.
Here , we wish to know , who is accountable for this Non stoppage of FMA.
The member is having the FMA stopped certificate from Bank.
All pensioners are not that much educated to know the pension details.
We opine that , the Bank is at fault in not carrying out their own commitment, thus the wrong payment.
The Pensioners though not aware of the particulars of their Pension, they are also responsible.
Now who should be held accountable for this happenings.   Is a question.

Now , after coming to know the wrong payment, the Bank is demanding the pensioners to repay the amount in lump sum. The poor pensioners , who   are not having such a large amount  and are finding it difficult to manage

In our opinion,
1.          As the Bank has failed to comply with their own commitment, the wrong payment shall be borne by the Bank itself .
2.          As per Defence Pension Payment Instruction- 2013, item No.103-2, if the wrong payment is noticed after 12 months, the Bank shall not recover the amount. They have to seek permission from  PCDA .  No Bank is following the instructions.
Note:  This is a serious nature.  Some cases has come to our knowledge  that, when the ECHS member  drawing FMA   went  for a Major surgery   and was denied  Treatment / admission  due to this payment   of FMA  which was not of his fault.
The patient was advised to pay back the wrongly paid FMA amount and then only case will be treated / admitted. This is a great injustice meted out to  Ex-servicemen.
As such cases are coming to light, The Regional Offices of ECHS may  take a review of all application of members and  inform the  Banks  to Stop paying the FMA as per their certificate.
IN  view of the above facts, We request all our ESM Associations and Orgs to guide our veteran brothers in your areas in this regard to avoid last minute sufferings.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Dear Veteran brothers,

Of late we notice that  many  veterans are approaching us for CHANGE  / CORRECTION of name  and Date of birth of their Spouse and children.

They should have confirmed the correctness of particulars of self and Spouse and children at the time of Discharge  OR at least after a reasonable period .
It is regrettable that the veterans are approaching  for correction  after say 10 to 15 yrs after discharge-  This is a SAD happenings.

For Example:  Actual Name in School Certificate and other Documents:
Subbu Lakshimi   but  in service records, PPO, it is   Subba Laxmi-
DOB  in school certificate:  05-07-1957  but in service record it is 05-11-1959

Now , there are TWO ways  for corrective measure.
1.      To publish in Government Gazette
2.      An Affidavit  and Publish in  2 News Papers in English.

“That both names  Subba Laxmi  and Subbu Lakshimi pertains to one and the same person.  That  I shall  at all time  hereafter
 will be known as SUBBU LAKSHIMI ONY “

With any one of the above method ,  the veteran has to Apply  to their Respective Record Office for Change  or Correction of Name  and Date of birth  of  self, Spouse and Children  with the following  documents.
.1    School certificate / Birth certificate for proof of age.DOB
2    Aadhar Card,     3.Pan Card,  4. Pass port  5.Pass port size photos,
6.  Copy of PPO / Discharge book where the  name/DOB  is Mismatched 
7. The paper publication 
Application with the documents should be send to their Record office  through  their  Zilla Sainik Board.
The necessary corrections will be made in the Service Record of the veteran by Record Office if all the documents are correct.  The Record Office will arrange for issuance of corrected PPO /Part II order .

All our veterans are once again requested to verify your Discharge Book and PPO for correctness of Name, spelling  and date of birth of  self, wife and children  to avoid hardship to our family after our DEMISE.

Ref: IHQ of MOD (Army)  Letter No; A/20105/mp-8 ( i OF R) DT.3-4-2018.


 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...