Tuesday, May 28, 2019



          Serious thoughts  about ADLR -  Assured Decent Last Rites  scheme .

The well planned scheme was introduced  in the year 2006, by our  Military services  to honour  the veterans on their funerals by laying wreath  on the dead body and providing  financial Assistantance  towards funeral expenses to some extent.,
This facility was available to all the members of URC whether it is run by Army, Navy or Air Force.
This scheme was very much appreciated by general public –commenting – the Military service is respecting its retired soldiers on their demise  also.  This was the position.

Now, we fail to understand , why this scheme  is altered recently .  At present, the URC   run by  Army is extending  ADLR facility to only Army veterans.  Like wise,  URCs run by Navy and Air Force .
Each URC is having members from all the three forces ,  and it is step motherly treatment by providing  benefit to only one force.
Is there any condition  for attending  a condolence , only Army people shall attend the funeral  of army veterans and others not to attend.  CONDOLENCE IS COMMON  FOR ALL.
When such is the case, why our canteen authorities  discriminate this issue  by creating  displeasure among our  Military veterans.
 We feel  that all our URC canteens should extend  ADLR facilities to all the members of that particular URC  without differentiating the  force.
The profit is earned  from all the members  not only from Army , Navy or Air Force.

The death rate of veterans is very much minimum,  may be one or TWO per month and the expense towards  ADLR  is negligible comparing the expenses  towards  our ESM Rallies  and Adalats.

We request our Adjutant General’s Branches handling this ADLR scheme , to view this important issue  and re-consider the procedure  as per the Original Scheme  and arrange to extend the facilities to All the Members of the URC whether run by Army, Navy or Air Force.

We request all our ESM Orgs and Associations to think over the issue and  take up the matter with o whatever Authorities concern .

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...