Wednesday, February 11, 2015


 It was felt by all that  on the demise of a Pensioners, the families were facing difficulties in switching over to Family Pension.

On considering the difficulties, the Government has issued an order to open/ convert the existing  Pension account  to Joint Account with Spouse to avoid delay in getting  Family pension .

Accordingly, many veterans converted the single PENSION  account to Joint account with spouse,
This is the advantage.
This  Joint account  also  IS facing problem/ difficulties..
 TWO  cases for  our knowledge / information.
Case No.1
One veteran reported that  there is a misunderstanding between Husband and wife, the wife withdraw the  full pension on the first day itself   and the pensioner is left with no money and  suffering .

Case No.2.
 One veteran died , it was informed to PDA and the PDA  has not informed the same to their CPPC.  Hence , the pension was being credited  regularly to the account of the deceased. The widow was drawing pension every month.
 In the month of November, the  Life certificate was not given, hence  pension WAS stopped from  the month of December .
The widow enquired  about non credit of pension , The PDA informed her the non submission of Life certificate.  The widow informed about the death of pensioner and it was already reported with death certificate.

The innocent widow came to our Trust and informed about the happenings.
On going through the available papers, it was noticed that there was no JOINT NOTIFICATION  PUBLISHED. Poor widow has to refund the pension amount .

Now , we intimated the occurrence to Record office and received the  Claim Forms.
We  helped her in filling up the set of forms with all Annexures  for Joint Notification .
Any how, the widow has to wait for the PPO  which may take few months.  Meanwhile the PDA is asking her to refund the amount already drawn  amounting to a Lac plus.

This is the disadvantages.
We do not know howmany such cases are there.

All veteran brothers are requested  to think over in this regard. Operational condition may be given as – No.1/Former  or  the survivor      OR Either or survivor.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...