Saturday, November 5, 2011


                       WHAT IS SPECIAL FAMILY PENSION

Special Family pension is granted to the Next of Kin of military personnel’s whose death or Disability is attributed or Aggravated by military service conditions.

Special Family pension is granted to the spouse / eligible children and if the deceased ESM was un- married, then the SPl.FP is granted to dependant Mother/ father..

Special Family Pension is also granted when an Ex-Serviceman in receipt of Disability pension dies before / within 7 years after discharge/ Invalided from service subject to fulfillment of certain conditions.

Special Family pension is calculated at uniform rate of 60% of Reckonable emolument of the deceased subject to a minimum of Rs.2550/- from 1-1-1996 and Rs.7000/- with effect from 1-1-2006.

Special Family pension is granted for the benefits of entire family of the deceased ESM. Therefore, if the spouse is not supporting the other family members like mother-in-Law, then the competent authorities may divide the pension to spouse and mother-in-law .

Special Family pension –PPO will bear the No. for example- as F/ 2121/ 2001

If the spouse dies leaving behind the eligible children/ dependant parents, then they will be granted Second Award of Special family pension at 50% of the Special Family pension . For example, the spouse was getting Rs.7000/, the second award will be Rs.3500/- After the Second award there will be no pension..

If the spouse got re-married, she can still draw the full pension provided she looks after the children born to the first husband.

Eligible cretaria for Special Family pension:

Diseases contracted because of continued exposure to a hostile work environment subject to extreme whether conditions or Occupational hazard resulting in death or disability would be examples.

Death or disability due to accidents in performance of duties such as :

a) Accidents while travelling on duty in Govt. vehicles or public / private transport.
b) Accidents during air journey on duty
c) Mishaps at sea while on duty
d) Electrocution while on duty
e) Accidents during participation in organized sports events/ adventure activities/ expeditions/ training etc.

Dear veteran brothers, please read this article and help the affected widows/ parents of ESMs in your areas.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...