Thursday, November 24, 2011



As per 6th Pay commission, those who have completed 80 yrs of age and above are eligible for Additional pension. 20%, 30 %, 40%, 50% and 100%., For 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 and above completed yrs.

For that, the date of birth is to be confirmed/ verified.

Verify the PPO/ Discharge certificate for date of birth, if available it is OK

Some times , only age on Enrolment/ Discharge will be mentioned. In such cases, we have arrive the Date of birth/ year as under :

Suppose, Date of enrolment was 7-9-1948 and age on enrolment was 19 yrs, then his birth was 1948 minus 19= 1929. So his date of birth may be taken as 1-1-1930, that is where ever the date and month is not known, then we have to take the First day of the next year, in this case, we can take it as 01-01-1930.

In case, where no DOB and no age is mentioned in any of the service Records, then we have to call for the other documents Like:

1.Matriculation certificate
2.Driving license
3.Voters ID
4.PAN card
5.Pass port
6. ECHS/ CGHS smart cards.

In this case, 4 copies of the age proof is to be submitted to the PDA , in turn the PDA will send three copies to respective Record offices for doing the needful. The Record office, after verifying the service particulars will forward to the CDA, Allahabad for issuing a Corr,PPO mentioning the age. This process will take about 6 months time. ( Ref CDA Cir 417)

Till such time, the PDA can release the Additional pension for 6 months. If the Corr. PPO is not received in 6 months, the PDA will stop paying the Additional pension, thus putting the pensioners in hardship.
When this difficulties were expressed by organizations like our Welfae Trust, the CDA has again issued another circular CDA cir 441, stating that if, only age is available/ or the other document produced and sent, the PDA can continue paying the additional pension , even if the Corr.PPO is not received with in 6 months.

Dear Veteran brothers, please inform and explain this procedures to the eligible veterans and their families and help them in getting their additional pension.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...