Monday, October 31, 2011


Those Ex-servicemen who were discharged as reservist prior to 01-04-1968 were given two options.

1. To receive pension of Rs.10/- per month
2. To receive a Lump sum gratuity of Rs.750/- without pension.
As the amount of Rs.750/- was a huge amount at that time, many reservist opted for Rs.750/-
Very few reservists opted for pension.

Later on, on the death of the reservist, their families were left with nothing. Their sufferings were projected toGovernment , and the living Reservists also informed their problems to Govt.

The govt. and MOD studied the case and found it was genuine and decided as under.

The living reservist to refund the Gratuity of Rs.750/- with interest and get an Ex-Gratia payment of Rs600/-from 01-11-1997.

The families of the deceased reservist were granted an Ex-Gratia of Rs.150/-with effect from 01-01-1992.
The same was revised to Rs.605/- from 1-11-1997.

The Ex-Gratia pension is eligible for DA also.

The Family pensioners will be paid 8% less DA than V th PC rate., while the living Ex-gratia pensioners will be paid V th PC DA rate.

Dearness pension of 50% is also eligible from 1-4-2004.

As on date the Rate of Ex-Gratia pension is as under: w.e.f 01-07-2011

For Living pensioners For Family Pensioners.

Basic pension………….600.00 Basic pension……..605.00
Dearness Pension……  300.00 Dearness pension…..303.00
                                    --------                                --------
                                    900.00                                  908.00                            
       DA at 127%....... 1143.00    DA at 119%.........1081.00
                              -------- ---------                      ----------
                          Total 2043.00               Total……. 1989.00
                               -------- --------                      -----------

Ex-Gratia pensioners are not eligible for Fixed medical Allowance.

Dear veteran brothers, please help the eligible Ex-Gratia pensioners in you areas.

1 comment:

  1. PCDA, Allahabd has not send me corrugendum order for rectifying the length of qualifying service from 24 years to 26years 244 days for one year has past though the records have already (Dogra regiment) sent letter to pcda allahabad for rectify the length of qualify service on 20.03.2014 I also send request . but no result found. please advice me for what to do by me.



 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...