Monday, December 6, 2021



Dear veteran brothers,  

Please  read the  PILOT MESSAGE   regarding the New system of  Pension disbursement  SPARSH.

This has already started  functioning , and  very soon , all the Defence pensioners and Families  will be  brought under  this system,  There will be NO CPPC of Banks.

                        SPARSH  AT A GLANCE

            Here is a new pension disbursement scheme  -SPARSH.

                System for Pension Administration  Raksha .

                        This is functioning  from PCDA , Allahabad.

By this scheme,  our pension will be directly credited to our Bank account.

Correct pension  to the pensioners at right time .

The CPPC of Banks will have no role to play. .  No CPPC. 

Any revision/ arrears calculation/ recovery / claims / family pension  and any other function of pension will be dealt with  SPARSH  only.

Redressing Grievances  also done , directly or through Call centers.

All Defence Pension  papers ( PPOs ) will be Migrated  to SPARSH  from all Banks in a Phased manner.

The PPOs of post 2018 veterans are already with SPARSH. They may be receiving their pension from CPDA, Allahabad directly.

At present, very few pension accounts from SBI  and PNB are Migrated  to SPARSH for which  User ID and Pass Word   will be sent from SPARSH to individual pensioner..

In the month of November 2021, those who have not received pension,  it is the indication that  the PPO  is Migrated.  Others not Migrated.

The Migrated  account holders will receive  ID and Password  from Sparsh soon.

On receipt of ID and PW, the pensioner  should keep the ID and PW  for all correspondence with SPARSH.

Those who have received the ID & PW, should  submit LIFE CERTIFICATE  to SPARSH  by LOGIN  to sparsh  with his ID & PW  up to 31.12.2021..

He can VIEW / get any details like Pension.  Pension slip, copy of PPO/ EPPO etc..

He can request for correction of Name,  DOB of self and dependents .

No need to  send all the documents  to Record Offices,   as of now.

SPARSH will  take action for getting the  PPO corrected  from PCDA and  send the revised PPO  within a few weeks time.

There will be many CALL CENTERS  for any grievances  and queries.

All veterans are requested to note this message  - It is  a Pilot Message only..

Any veterans receiving  SMS  from SPARSH  may approach us for guidance .





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