Tuesday, December 15, 2020





 One Hony.Nb.Sub  NR.Perumal was drawing pension through Central Bank of India, a branch in Tuticorin Dsit, Tamil Nadu

  During , one Audit inspection,  his pension was reduced to Havildar Rank.

 NR.Perumal  Regt.No; 6292392L Hony.Nb.Sub( HAV)  - Signals Record.s

Due to this happening,  a recovery of 1. 7 lac was  reported and Rs.7400 per month deduction was made.

The veteran visited our Trust and reported this .  We verified  all his documents and noticed that , he was granted with Hony.Nb.Sub Rank and was receiving  pension all along.  This abrupt recovery  made him upset.

Immediately , we reported this incorrect  recovery  to his CPPC, at Maharashtra.

As there was response, we reported to Customer / Grievances cell  and then  to Chairman of Central Bank of India.  No reply from any of them.

Then we wrote to PCDA, Allahabad and  Signals Record Office.  They also confirmed about the Hony.Nb.Sub rank.

With all these  complaints and non receipt of replies, we  Lodged a complaint to Ombudsman, RBI, Chennai.    They also did not response.   Lastly, we made a ONLINE  complain to Chairman , a 2nd time.   Alas, a reply was received , informing that  his  Revision and arrears payment will be effected  along with November Pension.   After a YEAR correspondence,   the Revision and Payment is effected  along with his November Month pension amounting to: 3 lacs plus..

The aggrieved  veteran called on Trust and expressed his sincere thanks for all the help extended  by our Trust.

Our Trust is very happy in helping the Veteran for getting his DUES.

There may be many such cases  UNNOTICED like  the Widows of Hony.Nb.Sub are being paid family pension for the Rank of Havildar only..  

Our ESM  organizations  are requested to help such veterans/ families .

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