Monday, August 24, 2020


Of late, it has come to light through  EPPOs  that there are lots of discrepancy in  DATAs, particularly Date of Birth,  and Name, spelling in the name etc of spouse.

Though the pensioners have submitted the DATA sheet in the recent time, there is still such discrepancies in the EPPOs.

Due to this, veterans are compelled to apply  for change of DOB/ correction or change Name of spouse  to avoid hardship for drawing family pension  at later stage- i.e denial of family pension by banks due to mismatch of the particulars.

When applied for Part II order for  marriage, most of the Pre-96 veterans have informed  the Age  of Spouse, not the actual date of birth and pet name  or short name of spouse  and not bothered  to check/ correct the discrepancies at the time of discharge.  Hence , all these discrepancies.

Now, when the Pre-86 veterans applied for Endorsement of Family Pension,  the application is returned ,  stating that  the DOB , Date of marriage and the name of spouse furnished in the application does not  match with Service Record.
In most of the cases, what is in Service Record is not informed, hence the veterans  are pushed  in to confusion, not remembering  what was furnished in part II order.  This has led  to the delay in submission of application.
Note:  Record Offices are requested to mention the particulars available in the service Record, so as to make the correction and re-submission.
Also ,  by referring CDA cir 572, the Simplified  application may be accepted,  avoiding  the annexure II

Here,  the veterans are facing difficulties in getting attestation, Affidavit from Magistrate/ Notary Public,  and from revenue departments.   Lot of time and money is spent on this and delay in submission. 
Then, Record Offices  and CDA  will take another 6 to 10 months  to finalise, by this 
it takes about  one year to get the Endorsement .
Note:  the Post 1986 retirees are issued PPO  with  the Joint Notification , on the basis of the available records.  Why not for the Pre-1986  retirees also , issuing a corr PPO  with joint notification  on the basis of existing datas.  Thus  avoiding all the hardship.
Refer CDA circulars:  505, 550 and 572.
All our associations/ Organisations  are requested to guide and help our veterans  in their areas suitably in this regard.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...