Sunday, April 7, 2019


                                   AN AGGRIEVED HAVILDAR HELPED.

One veteran NK.Periasamy called on us and complained that he was being paid less pension.
Name: NK,.Periasamy  RANK: Havildar  Gp- B (Clerk)
QS; 7 yrs   PPO.No: D/ 7471/1979.

On going through his pension paid details, we noticed that he was being paid pension at lower rate.

As his Qualifying service was only 7 yrs , the Banker thought his Rank may not be Havildar, hence the discrepancy.
We explained  the events to the Banker, that due some exigency, the Military service will promote people to higher Rank.
This gentleman also was promoted  in that category.
The Banker was convinced  with our submission and revised the Rate of pension for the Rank of Havildar and paid the arrears.

The aggrieved veteran was so happy  and thanked us for this valuable /timely help .

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