Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Veteran A.Rathina raj expressing his sincere thanks to our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.kanthiah.

The below mentioned veteran received a CORR PPO under Project Sangam Scheme.

Name: A.John rathina Raj   (623767  )   Rank: Sigman.  Gp-D    QS: 15 yrs,
His date of birth  15-2-1947,  Joined in Army at the age of 15 yrs- Boys service- 2 yrs.
He was sanctioned pension  for QS of 15 yrs first and then  another 2 yrs added for boys service and the pension was revised for 17 yrs.
PPO.No; S/ 52472/1979   PDA: IOB Tirunelveli-Dist Branch. TN. He was getting pension for 17 yrs. Of service.

Now as pewer the latest Corr PPO, his QS is reduced to 15 yrs and the pension for 15 yrs.
The PDA has reduced the pension and informed his about the  recovery-  the excess amount paid.
The worried veteran  reported this happening to us.

We, immediately contacted  the PDA and the their CPPC and told them not to recover any amount without verifying the records and CDA cir 163.  We also informed this incident to Army Veterans Cell at New Delhi and our IESM.  They , in turn  advised the  Chairman of the bank and CPPC not to proceed further without going through the Cir 163.

The CPPC now  informed us over phone that they have now verified the previous PPOs and confirmed that  his QS is 17 yrs , Hence, no recovery will be made and the reduction in pension will be reversed .
 We informed this news  to the veteran and the Aggrieved veteran was so happy  and sincerely trhanked  us for this timely valuable help, thus relieving his mental agony.

Our Trust is also happy in Addressing  the grievances of an innocent veteran.

Dear veteran brothers, please help such veterans  who receives a wrong PPO in your areas.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...