Friday, November 28, 2014


Smt.Krishnammal  w/o Late Sudalayandi  at our Trust Office.

We are happy to publish  the 5th case of  DUAL family pension  sanctioned to the below named widow:

Name: smt.Kruishnammal   W/O late: Sudalaiyandi ( 7065135)  Rank: Hav,  Records: EME

The deceased veteran was re-employed in INS Kattabomman and his was was getting Navy pension only.

Now as per the CDA cir 504, we helped her in forwarding the Claim forms for Dual family pension and she is sanctioned with DUAL Family pension from Army side also
 vide  PPO.No. F/ NA/ 018018/2014.

The  widow called on us and expressed her sincere gratitude  for all helps extended by our Trust.

We are happy of the 5th successful  case from our efforts.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014



 Veteran Jayaharan (Right side)  with our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah  at our Trust office


We had displayed a Notice board at our CSD canteen and ECHS regarding the Benefit  for the Pre-1973 disability pensioners as per CDA cir 527.

Those who were Invalided out with less than 10 yrs of service with 20%
Disability element   and  later on due the Disability Element fell below 20% the disability was stopped  and as the qualifying service was less than 10 yrs, the service Element also stopped.

For such people, the Government has now  considered  to sanction Service element  as per CDA cir 527. For that they have to apply to their Record office.

One affected veteran called on us  and we guided him. He has now received a set of Forms from Record office.  Again we assisted him in filling up the forms giving various particulars  and  guided him to forward  it through Sainik Board to  his Record Office.

Name: PR Immanuel S.Jayaharan   Rank: Sepoy  (6647011)   RO: ASC –South
PPO: D/ RA/ 6171/71    PDA: Sub-Treasury Tenkasi, Tirunelveli-Dist. Tamil Nadu.

The veteran was very happy with our service and thanked us for such a help and guidance.

Our Trust is also happy in helping a FIRST case of this kind of veterans.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


                                          Central Govt.Pensioners.

The Rate of FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE   is ENHANCED  from Rs.300 to Rs.500 for Central Government Pensioner/  Family pensioners with effect from 19-11-2014.

The Rate  was    Rs.100/  from 19-12-1997
                           Rs.300/- from 1-9-2008.  and it is
                           Rs.500  .w.e.f 19-11-2014.

Authority: GOI Ministry of Personnel  No.A/ 25 / 2008- P& PW (D)  DT. 19-11-2014.

Those who are drawing FMA may note the Enhancement  .

Friday, November 21, 2014


Dear veteran brothers
 please go through this very useful Article in tamil regarding not knowing the correct rate of pension  and delayed payment by Banks,.

தாமதமாக வழங்கப்படும் பென்சன்

தாமதமாக வழங்கப்படும் பென்சன் நிலுவை தொகைக்கு
வங்கிகள் தானாக முன்வந்து 8% வட்டி வழங்க வேண்டும்.
தாமதமாக வழங்கப்படும் பென்சன் நிலுவை தொகைக்கு (Delayed payment of revised pension arrears) வங்கிகள் 01.10.2008  முதல் 8% வட்டி வழங்க வேண்டும் என்று மேற் கூறிய சுற்றறிக்கைகள் கூறுகின்றன.
ஆனால் நடைமுறையில் யாருக்கேனும் எந்த வங்கியும் கொடுத்தகாக தகவல் இல்லை.  காரணம் நம்மில் பலருக்கு இது பற்றி தெரியவில்லை.  அப்படி தெரிந்திருந்தாலும் வங்கிகளிடம் போராடி வாங்கும் திறமையும் கிடையாது.  நமது அறியாமையின் காரணமாக ஒரு இனம் கை ஏந்தும் சூழ்நிலை ஏற்பட்டிருப்பதை நினைக்கும்போது மனம் வேதனைபடுகிறது.
அனைத்து ராணுவ பென்சனர்களுக்கும் குடும்ப பென்சனர்களுக்கும் 24.09.2012 முதல் பென்சனை மாற்றி அமைக்க CDA  சுற்றறிக்கைகள் வங்கிகளுக்கு அனுப்பப்பட்ட போதிலும், இன்னும் பெரும்பாலான பென்சனர்களுக்கு பென்சன் மாற்றி அமைக்க படாமல் இருக்கிறது.  புதிய மாற்றி அமைக்க பட்ட  பென்சனானது ஒரு பென்சனரின் ரேங்க், சர்விஸ், மற்றும் அவருடைய குருப்பின் அடிப்படையிலேயே அமையும்.  இந்த மூன்று முக்கிய காரணிகளும் வங்கிகளிடம் இல்லாத பட்சத்தில் அவர்களால் உங்களுக்கு சரியான பென்சன் வழங்க முடியாது.
ஆகவே ஒவ்வொரு பென்சனரும் தன்னுடைய ரேங்க், சர்விஸ் மற்றும் குருப் இவற்றை குறித்து அதற்குரிய பென்சனை CDA  சர்குலர் படி குறித்து உரிய சான்றுடன் வங்கிக்கு பதிவு தபாலில் அனுப்ப வேண்டும்.  அல்லது மொபைல் போன் மூலம் முழு விபரங்களை எங்களுக்கு SMS அனுப்பி அதன் வழியாக சரியான பென்சன் பெற்று கொடுக்க ஒரு புதிய முயற்சியை விரைவில் எங்கள் எக்ஸ் வெல் அறக்கட்டளை  அறிமுகபடுத்த இருக்கிறது. 
சமீபத்தில் தற்செயலாக எங்களை சந்தித்த ஒரு குடும்ப பென்சனரின் பென்சனை சரிபார்க்கும் போது அவருக்கு மாத அடிப்படை பென்சன் ரூ.8154 கொடுப்பதற்கு பதிலாக வெறும் ரூ.3500 மட்டுமே கடந்த 26 மாதமாக வழங்கப்பட்டு வந்தது கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டது.  பின்னர் எங்கள் முயற்சியால் அவருக்கு ரூ.175000 நிலுவை தொகையும் ரூ.10000 நஷ்ட ஈடும் ஒரு புகழ் பெற்ற பெரிய வங்கியில் இருந்து பெற்று கொடுத்தோம்.  சமீப காலமாக இது போன்ற குறைபாடுகள் அதிக அளவில் எங்களிடம் வருகின்றன.
தனது 27 வயதில் 4 குழந்தைகளுடன், ராணுவ சேவையில் கணவனை இழந்த ஒரு விதவைக்கு 1967 முதல் விசேஷ குடும்ப பென்சன் வழங்கியது அரசு.  ஆனால் விசேஷ பென்சனுக்கும் சாதாரண பென்சனுக்கும் வித்தியாசம் தெரியாத வங்கி வெறும் சாதாரண பென்சனே கடந்த 18 வருடமாக வழங்கி வந்திருப்பது கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டு ரூ.11,34,000 அரியர் பெற்று கொடுத்தோம்.  தாமதமாக வழங்கப்பட்ட இந்த தொகைக்கு உரிய நஷ்ட ஈடாக ரூ.438000 கேட்டு வங்கிக்கு கடிதம் அனுப்பி உள்ளோம்.
பல நூற்று கணக்கான பென்சனர்களுக்கு கடந்த ஆறு வருடமாக சேவை செய்து சுமார் 5 கோடிக்கு மேல் பென்சன் அரியர் பெற்று கொடுத்திருக்கிறோம்.  அந்த சமயத்தில் வங்கிகளிடம் இந்த நஷ்ட ஈட்டை கேட்டு வாங்க சிந்திக்க வில்லை.  ரூ.5 கோடிக்கு சுமார் 5 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு 8 சதவீத வட்டி நாங்கள் முனைப்போடு செயல் பட்டிருந்தால் ரூ.2 கோடி வரை அபராத  வட்டியாக பெற்று கொடுத்திருக்கலாம்.  நம் எல்லோருக்கும் மிகுந்த விழிப்புணர்வு அவசியம் என்பதை இப்போது தெரிந்து கொண்டோம்.
விரைவில் அறிமுகபடுத்த படும் எங்கள் திட்டத்தின் பெயர் “KNOW YOUR CORRECT PENSION THROUGH SMS”  “குறுஞ் செய்தி மூலம் சரியான பென்சன் அறியும் திட்டம் “.
         "தெரிந்து  கொண்டிருப்பது  ஒரு ஆயுதம்  வைத்திருபதற்கு  சமம் "
Sincere thanks to our veteran brother S.Muthu krishnan for this valuable article.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


            Veteran Ayyadurai with our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.kanthiah.

The below mentioned aged veteran came to our Trust office , all the way from a remote village called Vadakku Karaseri, Tuticorin-Dist, TN,  25km from our place.

Name: Ayyadurai    Reg,No: 6343093  Rank: Sepoy
PDA: Canara bank,  Eral, Tuticorin-Dist TN.

It is regretted to say that there is no one, including the Bank officials  to help the aged veteran in Filling up the Life Certificate ,   A new format   , hence he sought our help.

We filled up the Form and advised him not to worry  and guided him . We also told him to call on us at any time for any help.

The innocent Veteran was very happy  of our service and sincerely thanked us for this help.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Many of our Defence family pensioners are not aware of their entitled rate of pension.

The rate was a fixed amount according to Rank and group as per CDA cir 397 with a minimum of Rs.3500/- for Sepoy to Havildar.

Now  as per the CDA circular 510,the Minimum Rate of Ordinary Normal Family pension  is Tabled Rank and Group wise, which is applicable even for less than  15 yrs of qualifying service
For more than 15 yrs the CDA circular 502 is applicable.

All our veteran brothers are requested to guide and help the family pensioners at your areas  by verifying whether they are getting the correct Rate/ at least the minimum rate of family pension as per the Table.

Saturday, November 15, 2014



 Veterans   Selwyn Duriraj  and A.Issaki at our Trust office.

 The below mentioned veterans came to our Trust office for clarifying  the present  Group.

1.       Selwyn Durairaj-   Rank; Ts,Nk  Gp-E   No. 13847710    Records: Signals
2.      A.Issaki                  Rank:  Hav.    Gp-E   No. 14285494    Revotrds-Signals. 

The Group  as per Original PPO was ‘E’  and their trade  was – Driver-MT.

Now as per the CDA cir 430  and 478,  the Driver MT is brought under Group- D / Y.
But the Bankers are not convinced with our explanations  and not acting  as per the CDA circulars and they require  a separate order for changing the Group.

We have now written to Signals record office for clarification as per Cir 430 and 478 and requested them to advise the Bankers suitably in their  change of Group  from E to D/Y.

Both the veterans were very happy about our action and thanked us for this help.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Huge relief for senior citizens who have to produce Life Certificates each year to continue receiving pension

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today launched “Jeevan Pramaan” – an “Aadhar-based Digital Life Certificate” for pensioners, in a move that could eventually benefit over a crore pensioners. The Prime Minister said that after the push towards self-certification, this digital life certificate was another enabling mechanism which would benefit the common man.

SOI: Pib.  10th November 2014.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The Aggrieved veteran expressing his sincere thanks to our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.kanthiah  for the help extended by the Trust.


Name: T.Anaintha perumal     -Reg.No; 1430828.Rank: Havildar.
.Group- D  , Qualifying service 15yrs, 10months and 19 days was discharged
 on 31-8-1987….with pension  and drawing his pension through  Indian bank, Tirunelveli-Dist.TN.

 Now he has received  the Revised PPO  issued by PCDA Allahabad  ,dated 11-10-2014 noting the rate of pension as on 1-1-96, 1-1-2006 and 24-9-2012.. ( 3500,  4635  and 5301 ).

On going through the Discharge certificate and the original PPO of the veteran, it is confirmed that  his qualifying service was  15yrs-10months and 19 days. Rank Hav, Group-D.  So the QS to be taken as 16 yrs. But in the revised  PPO,  the Rates  of pension  is notified for a QS of 15 yrs only.  That is  5301 w.e.f 24-9-2012,
Whereas  per CDA cir 501,  for a QS of 16 yrs it is Rs.5531,   Short of 230 per month .
“ALAS”  when we went through the Bank pass book entries, he was paid  a total pension of Rs.10724/ for the month of August 2014.  A basic pension of 5362+DA100% 5362= 10724.
When we checked up with the Cir 501, it was noticed  with great  surprise that this Rate is for the rank of Naik, Gp-D, QS-16yrs.

 We fail to understand  How these  errors do take place /  happening,

We feel that the Bank has revised the pension of their own way.  And
The PCDA has revised for only 15 yrs QS. taking it  granted that nobody will question them.

And the poor veteran is  drawing the pension in good faith ,  thinking that the Bank as well as the CDA are giving his correct Rate of pension.
We do not know how many such cases are in the store.

It is  a case  to be taken for the cause  ERROR at CDA/PDA.   How this  Error has happened .  The printed PPO comes out after Auditing at CDA and the Record office simply forward it to the pensioner without noticing/ checking any kind of error in the PPO.  And the PDA/CPPC has revised  the pension on their  own  and the Pensioner  was happy  because   there was some increment in his pension.
This is what happening.

Now  as per the PPO, the rate is fixed as Rs.5301/- but being paid at the Rate of 5362/ hence  excess  payment and Recovery to be made  for no mistake of pensioner.   Actually it is not so.

Now we understand  from the veteran that the PDA has since recovered the excess amount paid i.e 5362-5301  from 24-9-2012  .
It is a great injustice to the veteran.

We have taken up the case to Record Office and CDA Allahabad  and also to our Army Veteran Cell  to set right the mistake.

All the ESM organizations and the pensioner are requested  to go through  the revised PPO  and compare with CDA circulars 501,  502  and 503  for correctness. If there is any variation, it is to be brought to knowledge of their Record Offices and CDA for correction.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Rezangla War Memorial Service

 Dear Veterans,

1.         Martyrs’ Family Welfare foundation is organizing a Memorial Service on 16 Nov 2014 (Sunday) at 09:00 AM at Rezangla War Memorial, Sec 23, Gurgaon to pay homage to Martyrs of Battle of Rezangla (Indo – China War 1962) “THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR TODAY FOR OUR TOMORROW”. Next of kins of Martyrs will be our guest of honour.
2.         “SHAHEED SAMMAN YATRA” comprising of 200 Bikers and other vehicles will be flagged off to spread the message of Peace, Unity, Remembrance & Tributes in Gurgaon & NCR.
3.         Since, it is an emotional prayer meeting, you are requested to make it convenient to attend.

“Jai Hind”

With Warm Regards 

Yours truly,

Dr T C Rao, Veteran
Convener & Founder
Col Mahavir Singh, President, 9911350062
Lt Col HS Chaudhary, Coordinator, 9871932707
Maj SN Yadav, General Secretary, 9810604502

Tuesday, November 11, 2014



               Veteran Khadar Mohidden and his wife at our Trust Office.                                      

The below mentioned veteran called on our office  and wanted to know whether Endorsement of Family pension is done or not.
Name: Khadar Mohideen   Rank: Naik ( 2538413)  
Records: Brigade of Guards.
Date of Birth : 01-07-1930   Completed 80yrs of age on 1-7-2010.
PPO.No: s/ 6109/1969
On verifying the available papers with him,
We confirmed that Part II order is published for  marriage  and  he had applied for Joint Notification in the year. 2011 but no PPO available.

We have copied the Appedix I and Annexure II , already sent  and sent the dame to record Office for   early Endorsement  as the veteran is sick and aged.

The veteran and his wife were very happy of our action and sincerely thanked us for this help.

Our Trust is also happy in helping  an OCTOGENARIAN.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Dear Veteran brothers , please read the  very useful article and it is the fact.

                   Resentment Among Veterans For Not Resolving OROP

While addressing Ex-Servicemen; after being declared BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate, Shri Narendra Modi, during his first rally at Rewari spoke of OROP. In 46th minute of his speech, he said, as reproduced from transcript. “Today I publically demand from the Government of India on behalf of the army men and ex-service men of this country, to publish a white paper on the status of ‘one rank, one pension’ scheme. And Friends, I am sure that if in 2004, Vajpayee Ji would have formed government, and then today this problem of one rank one pension would not have been complicated..!”
Shortly after taking over as the prime minister, Shri  Narendra Modi had assured “My government is committed to One-rank One-pension (OROP),” while addressing all ranks on board INS Vikramaditya, On new government’s policy of OROP, finance cum defence minister, Shri Arun Jaitley, referring to budgetary allocation for defence , said “we reaffirm our commitment to our brave soldiers. A policy of ‘one rank one pension’ has been adopted by the government to address the pension disparities. We propose to set aside a further sum of Rs 1,000 crore to meet the year’s requirement”.
 During pre-election rallies, to both Haryana and Maharashtra Assemblies, the Hon’ble PM declared that previous government did not give OROP in 60 years and his government has already given the same. 
Notwithstanding promises of implementation, very unfortunately, in the nearly six months of BJP’s Maximum Governance & Minimum Government and its promise to deliver on commitments; nothing has changed on OROP. Net-net; whether it was 60 years of Congress and UPA Governments or now 180 days of BJP led NDA Government, OROP still remains an unfulfilled promise. Foregoing has given rise to a dichotomous situation - we have the Hon’ble Prime Minister saying that OROP has been given and Hon’ble Defence Minister wanting to refer OROP to a Tribunal.
 Are we, ex-Faujis, in last days of life; to wait for ‘Tariq par Tariq’ and unfulfilled promise after promise? And die without seeing a Government that fulfils its promises?
Veterans request  the Hon’ble Prime Minister to resolve the present impasse and direct that orders for OROP be issued without any further delay.

Vice President
Dehradun Ex-Services League
Mob 9412941194,


 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...