Thursday, May 30, 2013



 Our government was kind enough to grant additional pension to aged pensioners in the VIth Pay commission .

On completion  of age              % of Additional pension on basic pension.

80 yrs…………………………………..20%
85 yrs…………………………………   30%
90 yrs………………………………….  40%
95 yrs…………………………………….50%
100 yrs………………………………….100%.

Additional pension is calculated on Basic pension.
 Disability/ war injury pension is also eligible for Additional pension.( BP + DE/WI)
Those who are getting TWO pension, Additional pension is eligible on both
The pension.

For example:   One Subedar-  Y –Group-  28 yrs of service   D.O.B- 1-1-1929.
He has completed 80 yrs on 1-1-2009   as on date he is  2013-1929= 84 yrs .
He is eligible for 20% of additional pension.
He is sanctioned with 30% of disability also :   His basic pension – 11970/-
DE 30% ( 4300X30%)  1290.00
Additional pen 20%...  2652.00   (  on BP+DE X 20%)
Total basic will be…..15912.00

DA @ 80%.................12730.00  ( DA on BP + DE + Addl Pen)
Net pension ,,,,,,,,,,,,  28642.00
Minus commutation….if any..
This is how the additional pension is calculated.

Note:  To find out the correct age:

If the DOB is mentioned in the PPO / Discharge book , then it is OK.
Some time only the age will be mentioned  like age on discharge 47 yrs.
Date of discharge.   Say………31-12-1976.
Age on discharge…………………………….  47
 Supposed to be born in   76-47..     =29  So the year of birth may taken as 1929.      As there is no exact date available we have to take the date as the first day of the next year, I this case it is  1-1-1930.
This Sub. Has completed 80 years on   1930+80= 2010  , hence eligible for 20% additional pension from 1-1-2010.
This is how the DOB is calculated.

Suppose there is no DOB or age is mentioned in any of the documents, then the pensioner has to submit any one of the Six documents for age proof:
1.  Pan Card,     2. Marticulation Certificae        3. Pass port
4. Driving License  ( if contains DOB)  5. Electoral ID     6. ECHS/ CGHS card.

Pensioner has to submit any one of them - 4 copies to PDA. They  will send the same to respected Record office for further action.

Suppose the pensioner is drawing two pension, and in one of the PPOs , the DOB is available , the same may be produced for proof .

Ref: CDA cir 397, 417.441, 470

 Dear Veteran brothers, please help the aged pensioners in your areas  to get their entitled pension.

Monday, May 27, 2013


 We appreciate the great service done by Ex-servicemen Welfare union Punjab at Bathinda  .

They have Honoured 22  War Widows on 26-5-2013 in a dignified function.

We request all our ESM welfare associations also to honour the War widows in our areas.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Smt.Deivanai with her son  at our Trust office.

One Hony.Nb.Sub. was drawing two pension , one from Defence and the other from Canara Bank.  After his death, his wife is being paid one pension from Canara bank.

As per the latest Govt. order, CDA cir 504, she is eligible for two pension.

Name: Smt. P.Deivanai  W/o Late Paramasivam
  Rank: Hony.Nb.Sub(1158858)
Record office: Artillery

We had represented the case to Record office, and they have sent the required claim forms.

We have dully filled up, got it signed , witnessed and attested  by the authorities.

We have guided the widow to forward the claim forms to Record office through  Jilla Sainik board .

The widow was happy and expressed her sincere thanks to our trust for this help.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Smt.Kumaravadivoo with her daughter at our office.

The below mentioned widow,  called on us for verification of correct rate of her pension.
Name: Smt.Kumar vadivoo    W/O Late .Sergeant  Swaminathan ( 214321)
PPO.No: F / 173 / 1969.
PDA: Canara bank- Tirunelveli-dist. TN.

On verifying the PPO and the pass book entries , we confirmed that she is being paid correct rate of Special Family pension @ 7000/-
But she is eligible for a revised rate  of Rs.8934/-with effect from 24-9-2012 as per CDA cir 503. This revision is not yet done.

We have informed the PDA and their CPPC of this non revision.

The widow and her daughter were happy of our action and thanked us for this kind of valuable service to the widow pensioners.

Saturday, May 18, 2013




1.      Service Gratuity     
2.      Retirement Gratuity
3.     Death   Gratuity
4.     Residual Gratuity.

service Gratuity: 
Those who have not completed pensionable service and discharged, they are given with Service Gratuity, no Pension.
The Rate is calculated at uniform rate  of ½  of monthly emolument for each completed 6 months period of service under Rule No.49 (1).

Retirement Gratuity:
This is payable on completion of pensionable service .  The rate is ¼ of emolument for each completed 6 months period of qualifying service to a maximum of 16 .5 times of the emolument , the Maximum limit is 10 lakhs.

Death Gratuity :
In the event of Death while in service, death benefit is payable to his family/ nominee at the following rates:
Length of service:
Less than one year……..2 times of emolument
One year and above but  less than five year….6 times of emolument
5 yrs and above but  less than 20 yrs…..12 times of emolument.
20 yrs and above…...1/2 of emolument for every  Completed 6 months  periodperiod     subject to a maximum of 33 times of emolument  and a Max of 10Lakhs.
 This death gratuity is admissible to Govt.servants whether permanent or Temporary                                                                    

Residual Gratuity:
If a Government servant dies within 5 years from the date of his retirement/ discharge, and if the sum of Gratuity already received by him is  less than 12 times the emolument, then the deficiency is called the Residual Gratuity. This differential amount is to be paid to his family/ nominee.
Dear veteran brothers, please find  out  and help the affected widows in your areas  to get their Residual Gratuity  .


 For  a Subedar , Group-Y,   30 yrs of service—
Date of Discharged  1-12-2009

As per our formula,  30 yrs means 60 half year.
Here the Subedar was a Post 2006 retiree and a weight  age of
5 yrs added for calculation of  gratuity.  Hence  30+5 =35yrs but Max eligible period is 33 yrs only= 66 half year.

His last drawn emolument:   BP- 14780.00
                  Grade pay…………  4600.00
                   MSP……………..   2000.00
DA at 27 % on that day……           5773.00
                Total  ……        27153..00

Eligible gratuity=    27153  X  66 =  448025.00                             
This is how the Gratuity is calculated.
Veteran brothers , you can verify your Gty amount by this formula.

Sunday, May 12, 2013



The rate of DA for Ex-Gratia pensioners is enhanced from 151%  to 166% with effect from 01-01-2013.
Ref: GOI. MOF No.1 (13) 2008-E II (B) dated 2-5-2013.

From 1-1-2013 the ex-Gratia pensioner will get pension as under:

Pensioners…………………….   Family pensioners.

BP………………600.00                    605.00
DP…………….  300.00                   303.00
                   --------------            -----------
                        900.00                       908.00
DA @166%..1494.00         158%.. 1435.00
    Total……   2394.00                    2343.00
Dear Ex-Gratia pensioners, please approach your Bank branch  for getting the revised DA.

Friday, May 10, 2013



A  Central Government servant is entitled to commute for a Lump sum payment,   a fraction of  his pension  .For defence it is maximum of 50%.

Eligible  Pension:
 1)  Superannuation pension under   Rule-35
 2)  Retiring pension ………………….      Rule-36
 3)  Pension on Absorption………..      Rule- 37
 4)  Compensation pension  on
       Abolition of permanent post…..  Rule-39
The following categories also eligible to commute :

a)  Those who retiree on invalid pension/ Disability pension    Rule- 38
b)  Those who are compulsorily retired from service……….       Rule- 40
c)  Those who are in receipt of compassionate allowance under Rule-41  

How the commuted value is calculated:
For example :  A Sub- Group ‘Y’  was sanctioned monthly pension of   Rs.10690 /  -after 28 yrs of service.   He has commuted 50% of pension.

i.e  = 10690 X 50% = 5345/- is the commuted portion of his pension.

The capitalized vale is calculated   on the basic of his Date of birth  and the commutation factor. (Age on next DOB)
His date of birth is   22-3-1959    Date of retirement – 1-12-2009
Next DOB will be     22-3-2010
Age on next DOB  -  2010-1959=51
The commutation factor for   age 51 is----8.808
Now the commutation Value will be=   Commuted portion X 12 X commutation factor
=     5345 X 12 X 8.808= 564945.12 rounded to= 564946/-

This Sub will get this much of commutation amount. And an amount of Rs.5345 will be deducted every month  for 15 yrs.


 The reduction of commuted value of pension ( CVP)  will start form the date of credit of the capitalized value to the pensioners account.

Rule No 6  and 10, 10a  -Commutation of pension rule-1981.

Commuted value of pension shall be restored after completion of 15 years from the date of credit of the Lump Sum to the pensioners account.

For example ,
 in this case:  Date of Credit of Lump Sum…4-2-2010
Amount of commuted portion…….5345/-
Date of restoration of this amount will be…………………….. 4-2-2025. … … ( 1)
Is it clear………………………………………………………………Situation No-I

Now, there may be cases where the Commuted value is Enhanced retrospectively as the result of Government decision,  say pay commission report announced later..

The  amount of pension may be revised/ enhanced, thus commuted value and the commutation is also enhanced and the differential amount of Capitalised value paid to the pensioners at later date.    Say 29-9-2010

Here again, the date of restoration will be 15 years for the date of credit of the differential amount  of the capitalized value, i.e 29-9-2010.

In this particular case:    The original  commuted portion was…..5345/-  ( 50% of 10690/)
Now  as the pension is increased, the CVP also increased to       5985.( 50% of 11970)
Here the difference in commuted portion is= 5985 – 5345= 640.
The first CVP of rs.5345 will be restored on 4-2-2015
The second portion  of Rs.640  will be restored on  29-9-2025………        (2 )

Most of our veteran brothers are on the opinion that the whole portion of CVP will restored after 15 years from the date of retirement, which is not correct.

Where ever, commuted value was credited Twice in the account,  the Restoration also will be two time/ dates.
( Ref:  F.No.42/5/2012-P & PW (G) , GOI, Dept. of Pen & PW, New Delhi dated 31-8-2012. )

Note; Effect of commutation on Family pension:

Commutation of pension has no effect on quantum of Family pension  as the Rate of Family pension is based on the emolument of central govt.servant just before retirement.

Suppose a pensioner dies, the deduction of commuted amount ceases. No deduction on family pension.

Again, if the pensioner , after retirement dies before receiving the  commuted amount,  his wife is eligible for that amount and there will be no deduction .

All veteran brothers please make a note of this and do not unnecessarily get in to arguments with bankers in this regard.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Widow daughter Smt.Manorani Kunaseel is expressing her sincere thanks to our Liaison Officer Sgt.S.kanthiah

 Smt.Manorani Kunaseeli with her Son-in-Law  at our office
Smt.Manorani Kunaseeli with her Brother-in-Law at our office.

We had visited a village for helping a widow- W/o Late Sub. R.Samuel  in getting her correct rate of Special Family pension.

There we came to know that one of her daughters was a widow.. We informed her  about the eligibility of pension for her widow daughter after her demise.  The aged widow died on 25-11-2012 at  her 87 yrs of age.
Now her daughter  came to our Trust for help in getting her pension.

Name: Smt.Manorani Kunaseeli D/O  Late R.Samuel    Rank: Subedar- B.
Regt.No: JC 16204.
Mothers name: Smt.Esther Samuel      PPO.No: F/ 856       /   1969   
PDA: I.O.B, Panagudi, Tirunelveli-Dist.
We informed the facts to  MRC Record office  and they have sent the required claim forms.
We have now filled the claim forms  and  prepared other formalities and guided her to forward the same to record office through Dist.Sainik board,

The Widow daughter and her relatives were satisfied with our efforts and expressed their gratitude for such a valuable service.  But for the intervention of our trust, they might have not known the eligibility  and the matter would have gone un noticed..

Our Trust is very much happy in helping one more widow daughter  in our area.


 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...