Friday, March 29, 2013



Disability pension   orders will be  denoted by :
 D/  012/ year,     D/RA/  012/ year     DE/ corr/ 012/ year.

D  means  disability pension sanctioned  for a particular period say 5,  10 years. After this period, the pensioner has to re appear for Re assessment of Medical board, then the percentage  of Disability element may increase, may remain the same  or it may be reduced  .   Here the PPO  will be denoted as     D/ RA/ 012/ year  for life.     The same is now modified
 as DE / 012/ year  for life .

In earlier times the Rate of percentage was, 20%, 30%, 40% , 50% and so on  up to 100%.
Now it is sanctioned as 50% minimum.

Those who retired prior to 1996 and after 1996  up to 31-12-2005  with Disability pension with the reason for :

Invalided out,        Medically boarded  out , not fit for further military service etc.  Under Clause  13-(iii)

These clause of veterans can apply for Broad banding i.e Rounding of  Disability element.  That is their exiting percentage will be enhanced to :

20 %  to 49%        ……….as 50%
50   to   75%         ………  as 75 %
76%  to 100 %............... as 100 %

The Veterans have to send Annexure as per CDA cir 429 duly filled  and signed by the PDA to their Record Office, . After verifying the records, the RO will send the annexure to CDA and the CDA will send the revised PPO enhancing the  Rate of Disability element.   It may take 3 to 4 months time.

Previously the rate of Disability pension was fixed  for Ranks:

Sepoy  to  Havidar…………..100%  disability ….3510.00
Nb.Sub to Sub.Major……… 100%  disability…………  4300.00
Comm.Officers  and
Hony. Comm.officers……..  100%  disability….       5880.00    

Now as per the latest circular  456, the Disability pension is calculated on the Emolument last drawn by the pensioner. That is 30% of the emolument will  100% disability.

For example:
A sepoy of say   X group…  Minimum fitment as per cir 501-         12240/-
100 % disability   will    30% of the emolument   i.e… 12240 X 30%= 3672.

Say   if the Sepoy was sanctioned with say 20% disability  then  it will be  20% of 3672=   735.
Previously it was= fixed rate of 3510 X 20%= 702.    So There is Difference .

Likewise the disability pension will vary for each veteran  according to their Ranks and their emolument.
Note: the disability pension is calculated for the Rank held at the time of discharge.

The affected ESM has to approach the PDA  and get the revised Disability pension or they have to write to their respective Record Office.

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 Dear  veteran brothers,  Here is a good news for Hav,granted with Hony.Nb.Subedars   there was a circular 631, and eligible Hony Nb,Sub gor...