Friday, September 28, 2012


 L/NK K.Thangaraj is expressing his gratitude to our Trust Liaison Officer Sgt.S.Kanthiah.

The below mentioned L/Nk visted our Trust for verifying his Rate of pension.

Name: K.Thangaraj      No: 6464779   RanK: L/Nk.
PPO.No: D/ RA/ 7569/2004
Disability Element:  60% for life.
PDA: State Bank of India, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli-Dist, TN.

On scrutinizing his PPOs and the pass book entries, we noticed that he is being paid less pension than his entitlement.

As per CDA cir 456,  for those who are sanctioned with permanent DE not less than 60%, the Service element  +  Disability element should not be less than 7000/- w.e.f 1-7-2009

In this case, he is being paid SE-4321 and DE 1401 ( only 40% wrongly arrived), Total= 4321+ 1401= 5722.
There is a short payment of of Rs.1278 (7000-5722).

Immediately, we brought this discrepancy to his PDA, CPPC and Local HO for correction and payment of arrears.
The aggrieved L/Nk was so happy of our prompt action and thanked us for such a voluntary service to our Exservicemen community.

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