Dear Veteran brothers,
Nowadays, when a Veteran
expired, and whose pension account is migrated to SPARSH, we have to report
the Death event to Sparsh online. Then Initiate family pension.
Here for confirmation of death, we have to
upload the Death certificate and Bank
details to Sparsh and we get the Token Number for following up. This is the position.
Now, we came across two
cases, where the name in Death
certificate and PPO differ.
For Example: Name in PPO:
Certificate only MUTHAIAH.
When we up loaded the death certificate, it is ejected. Hence, we could not go for Initiate Family pension option. Thus, the switching over to family pension
is held up.
Dear Veteran brothers, and our ESM associations, may please note this happening . You are all requested to guide the NOK or the relatives of the deceased veterans when you attend the funeral function, , to obtain DEATH CERTIFICATE WITH THE NAME AS IN TH PPO ONLY. Also the name of spouse as in the PPO to avoid such hardship at later stage so as to have a smooth switch to family pension.