In the recent times, the
Pre-2006 retired Hony.Nb.Subs are being
paid with arrears as per CDA cir
631 for a period 01-01-2006 to 30-06-2014 on the basis of CDA circular
Here , the Rate of pension was for the Rank of Regular Nb.Sub – Cir 568
for a period 01-01-2006 to 30-06-2014.
There after, they are paid
pension for the Rank of Hony.Nb.Sub only, down ward.
As per a Judgment of
AFT Chandigarh, OA No.2755 of 2013,
a case of
Hoshiar Singh
V Union and others, it was told that
all Pre-2006 Hony.Nb.Sub may be
paid with the pension of Regular Nb.Sub
as in the case of POST 2006 retirees with effect from 01-07-2009 . But
it is not followed.
Now, one Hony.Nb.Sub .
Ram Lal Singh Jat , Gp- Y , QS-26 yrs, had approached AFT, Principal Bench , New Delhi in this regard. This Honorable AFT court , after deliberations, has given
Judgment to revise the Pension of this
Pre-2006 retiree , as of Regular Nb.Sub “s pension w.e.f 1-7-2009
i.e Rs.9382
w.e.f 1-7-2009,Rs.9429 w.e.f
01-07-2014 and 24233 w.e.f 01-01-2016.
Judgment No OA 697 of 2020
dated 29-06-2020
All the affected Pre-2006
Hony.Nb.Sub may note the same and
approach AFT in their jurisdiction,
individually or collectively for getting
this benefit .
Our ESM Associations/
Organizations are requested to pass on
this message and guide the affected veterans in their area.
Sir kya nb sub ki pension ke liye aft me case approach karna padega