Dear veteran brothers,
We had already published the same article. Once again we are publishing the same as still some banks have not included the service element, paying Disabilityelement only..
There was a provision for granting DISABILITY ELEMENT only for those
who were boarded out with less than 10 yrs of service prior to 1-1-2006..
Now, our Govt., on considering the sufferings of such veterans , has published
an order in 2020 for granting both Service element and Disability for such veterans
Whether Pre or Post 2006 invalided out veterans w.e.f 01-01-2006.
The Dept of Pension and Pension welfare has issued an order on 28-7-2020.
We understand that , still some Banks are paying only Disability element .
The Order is very clear to pay both SERVICE ELEMENT and DISABILITY ELEMENT to such veterans w/e/f 1-1-2006.
The affected veterans may approach their Bank branches for getting this benefit
or they can approach our Trust office for guidance and help.
AUTHORITY: Dept. Pen& Pen Wel (F)- No. 1/7/2017-P&PW(F) dt 28-07-2020.